“We seek to sustain the Colombian health system in the future”

“We seek to sustain the Colombian health system in the future”

Ximena González – [email protected]

Businessman of the Year in the Pacific, Vicente Porrero, General Manager of Valle del Lilly Foundation He stressed that one of his main bets is that the Colombian health system is sustainable in the future.

How did the institution perform last year?
The balance for us is very positive, more than the economic side, in part of the response we got from our doctors and our staff to the demand that has occurred in the emergency services and in intensive care units due to the epidemic. This humanitarian and solidarity response was more rewarding to me than any financial outcome.

What is their growth?
Ironically, at the time of the pandemic, in the first months of quarantine, that is, March, April and May, we had a very large drop in bills as people refrained from reaching health centers in fear and services were so great. Decline in their career, however, this has improved in the last semester and the end result is very satisfactory.

What is the most relevant project for 2020?
Without a doubt, our alliance with Comfandi was in terms of health services. Comfandi, by its nature, provides level I and II services with an emphasis on prevention and health promotion. For this reason, we decided that we could integrate at higher levels with the acquisition of one of the most important Comfandi Clinics where we could receive very complex patients. This is very important for us, Comfandi and the region because we are two companies that share goals that belong to the community and above all strive for the Colombian health system to be sustainable in the future.

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How much has your attention span increased in the past year?
This was a very big challenge because at the height of the epidemic we were overwhelmed with our ability to care, and fortunately the Foundation responded by opening intensive care units in emergency rooms, but the main problem is that it is not only equipment and beds required to attend a crisis from this dimension but also the necessary human resources that were We have responded very positively.

What are the plans for the future?
Since its inception, the organization has done nothing but faith and increase the supply of services, and this growth has been driven by demand.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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