“Whoever arrives on a trip, must not visit their relatives for 14 days” – NotiCel – The truth as it is – Puerto Rico News – NOTICEL
Carlos Milado Lopez made these phrases after the “ Guaya Guaya Festival ” that was held in Orlando on Saturday.
Thousands of people flocked to the Central Florida fairgrounds without the proper distance measures being taken.
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The Minister of Health, Carlos Meladu, called on people who come to the island from other countries not to visit their relatives for two weeks, to avoid any risk of infection.
Meladu published the message on social media, in which he also repeated the announcement of the intensification of health measures at the airport, starting on Wednesday, April 28, as part of the government’s efforts to stop the wave of infection on the island.
But, in addition, this call comes after it was known last Saturday of the celebration of the “ Guaya Guaya Fest ” event in Orlando, where thousands of people gathered without maintaining the necessary physical distance and using very few masks.
“I advise those arriving on a trip not to visit their relatives during the 14-day period, which is the incubation period for the virus,” Meladou said on social media.
The festival in Orlando is attended by many residents and artists from the yard who could return in the next few days to Isla Island.
Meanwhile, another massive activity is also celebrated today, Sunday, in Florida: National Salsa Day, where another major representation of Puerto Rican artists is expected.
“This Wednesday, more restrictive measures will begin at the airport, as part of the strategies applied to prevent infection on the island. Meanwhile, procedures continue at the airport and it is the duty of every citizen to follow them,” Meladou said.
All travelers must bring a negative result for the molecular test, otherwise they must remain in quarantine until the test is done and the result obtained. “We have to protect ourselves and our families,” he added.
The Minister of Health stressed the importance of bringing a negative molecular test with him. That person who does not bring him will have 72 hours to take the “test” or, otherwise, he will be fined $ 300.
“The fact that the test is done helps us to identify positive cases in a timely manner, so that we can provide the right treatment at the right time and prevent them from infecting family and friends,” Meladou said.