Why is science essential to our culture?

Why is science essential to our culture?

Science in Culture aims to answer very diverse questions about the nature of the world in which we live, human nature and the relationship that exists between the two. Science, the humanities, and the arts in general focus on these epistemological questions.

Studying in the arts and humanities offers insights not usually covered by science, and advances a scholarly approach with exciting new discoveries, according to expert Robert Griffiths.

It can promote a broader vision of science in the university and in society in general. The different disciplines that science has in different societies play a critical role in the scientific progress of cultural expression and the broader paradigms of different societies of the world.

The importance of the interrelationship between science, arts and humanities

Research in the humanities, arts and Some articles about culture Of these two disciplines, in this century he will undoubtedly make a great impact with his new discoveries in culture at the same time as in science.

In fact, it is increasingly given the status it deserves through the interconnectedness and integration of sciences, humanities and the arts to meet the challenges of society.

Through art and the humanities we can understand the phenomena of science. That is, the ability we have to integrate scientific discoveries into a global view of the world.

Among the three majors: Art, Humanities, and Science, there is great potential if you are looking from an integrative point of view. For example: a high understanding of religion, culture, education, and the different worldviews that are part of society, to address the complex ethical, legal and regulatory policy issues raised by some areas NSTechnology and science. and research on scientific and technological developments and representations of ideas, such as: audiovisual media, literature, theater, etc.) and about narratives, and cultural institutions (Colosseum, schools, museums, galleries). They are the principle of understanding and improving society’s commitment to technology and science.

In addition to, art and science They generate and disseminate new knowledge about human relationships and life in general that can directly explain and contribute to scientific progress and discoveries.

Therefore, the goal of science in culture is to try to create a connection between the arts, humanities, and sciences. Three disciplines have been brought together to develop new methodologies, frameworks and areas of research, and current thinking and action among the three disciplines.

However, not all of these efforts were successful. The reasons are different. In particular, one of them due to lack of funding. Research and dissemination of science and technology are not supported or sufficiently remunerated. Practically speaking, it is a sector that does not recognize the science dissemination work that the scientist is doing.

Another factor that does not come from the economic aspect and goes beyond the importance of scientific research as an essential part of culture, is the gap that has always existed between science and society. Science is knowledge and power stems from knowledge. Starting from this premise, any society needs a powerful tool of knowledge in order to develop as a society.

Research centers and universities are responsible for the dissemination of scientific knowledge. Spaces where knowledge is generated, research is encouraged, and scientific thinking is encouraged, and for this reason it is essential that they understand the key role they play in raising awareness, democratizing and spreading knowledge. Scientists and educators must be paid for their work in connection with their work as spreaders of science and knowledge.

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Science for centuries has sought to investigate separately. However, this specific position is fading away. The inertia in the search for the existence of humanity and all the psychological, social, biological and cultural phenomena that occur, awakens the need for an integrative approach that includes the arts and humanities. As part of the knowledge

The development of societies will depend, in large, if not entirely, on the acquisition of knowledge, science in culture, the arts, and the humanities an essential part of moving forward and culturally strong, advancing ethical and legal issues and policies.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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