Will Carmen Villalobos Divorce Sebastian Caicedo? This is what the actors said

Will Carmen Villalobos Divorce Sebastian Caicedo?  This is what the actors said

Colombian actors Carmen Villalobos and Sebastian Caicedo, who have been married since 2019, have been in the public eye for thousands Rumors surfaced about their relationship. Celebrities are questioned, as there are those who claim that their relationship is coming to an end.

The comments come after users of social networks realized that the actors had not uploaded photos or content together for a long time. Next to, Due to Villalobos’ registrations in Colombia, the couple spent some time apart, since they live in the United States, where Caicedo also has several businesses.

This information was denied by the same actors, who confirmed in various media that they are still together. in conversation with I know everythingCaicedo confirmed that he is not in the process of breaking up with Villalobos, in fact, he said he would announce the situation if it did. “When something happens we will say‘, he confirmed.

“We’ve been working together for more than 13 years until we come to explain why we don’t go out on social networks,” he added.

On her part, the actress Until the money separates us“As far as I know, I’m still married,” she told People magazine.

In fact, the recent posts created by each of his official Instagram profiles, in which they reveal their love status, have been revealed. In one Kaiseido made, on his journey to the south of the continent, you can read a great letter of affection from Villalobos.

“‘I am who I am'”. Kaiseido Books: Love, Light, Prosperity, Exuberant Joy, and Health with Maximum Power. His partner replied, “You are all this and more.”

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Additionally, in Caicedo’s recent post from Iguazu Falls, Villalobos was also very gentle in his response.

The Colombian publication reads “Flow, Clean, Cleanse, Heal and Recharge.” “What a journey, baby, it’ll be the next one together,” the actress replied.

With these expressions of love on social networks, it is clear that the relationship between these two artists is “getting stronger and stronger.”

Carmen Villalobos has contracted the COVID-19 virus

Last February, Carmen Villalobos of Barranquilla decided to talk about the health problems she had experienced and admitted to the strong symptoms she developed after contracting covid-19. The artist confirmed, via social media, that she was infected, and that she had very severe symptoms, Among them are headache, fever and general malaise.

He said he was not feeling well, but explained that his respiratory part was not affected. He also confirmed that he had already obtained the negative result of the test, so that he could return to work without posing any danger to his colleagues.

“The whole symptom issue was really really bad. Thank God the respiratory part was never affected, but the headache, fever and malaise, because you don’t want to get out of bed, insomnia, is very bad. Fortunately, I am already out of negativity, I have already completed my days of solitude. I’m totally honest.. I don’t feel the energy is too low.”

an actress Till the silver parted us, He explained that he is now feeling some strong consequences that he did not expect to happen so soon.

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I didn’t put my face on them these days because those who have felt the effects of Covid put your hands up! I did, and I had some kind of relapse, and I felt sick again, body aches, bad, badThey say it’s normal, it can last from one to three months, post-Covid symptoms, which is really a joke and I can attest to that,” he insisted.

Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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