A wave three meters high surprised and affected swimmers on a beach in Rio de Janeiro

A wave three meters high surprised and affected swimmers on a beach in Rio de Janeiro

The dangerous wave left many photos missing

A warm holiday day at the beach, suddenly interrupted by a wave about three meters high, the events were captured on camera by a woman who was recording the direction of the sea, when the tide of water suddenly exceeded the limits and reached those who were relatively far from the coast, fastened with their personal belongings and low umbrellas.

by: Herald

After the high tide arrived, those present expressed their annoyance and rushed to get up from their resting place and collect all their belongings that ended up wet or under water.

Violent waves in Brazil

Although no infections have been confirmed, similar events have occurred in the Brazilian country, resulting in the loss of a number of people. This was the case on November 5, 2023, when vacationers on Leblon Beach were surprised by a giant wave that left 10 people missing, prompting authorities to mobilize.

Photo: private

The events were relatively expected because sea waves began to rise at 4 p.m., which caused concern among tourists. Meanwhile, the Fire Department confirmed the drownings, without disclosing specific numbers.

The Rio de Janeiro Operations Center (COR) recommends that swimmers avoid surf areas when waves are rough, with water sports prohibited, staying at seaside lookouts and cycling on bike lanes during these periods.

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Aygen Marsh

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