A woman in her 50s, dies after crashing four vehicles on the M62

A woman in her 50s, dies after crashing four vehicles on the M62

Police confirmed the death of a woman in her 50s after the M62 plane crash.

The woman was in one of four cars that crashed on the eastbound highway between the fifth and sixth intersections Huitton.

Northwest ambulance service He said three ambulances and a rapid response vehicle raced to the scene at 5.50am.

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Two fire engines and a search and rescue device were also present at the site.

a Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service “There was someone still inside one of the vehicles when the crews arrived. All the passengers of the other vehicles were outside when the crews arrived,” the spokesman said.

Despite the tremendous efforts made by the emergency services, it was announced that one of the occupants of a vehicle, a woman in her 50s, had died at the scene.

Her closest relatives have been informed and are supported by specially trained officers.

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Another car driver was taken to the hospital to be assessed for injuries.

The M62 remains closed in both directions with long delays between Junction 5 A5080 Roby Road (Huyton) and Junction 6 M57.

police Ask anyone who has seen the accident or has any footage from surveillance cameras or dashcam, to contact the Road Police Unit at 0151 777 5747 or MerPolCC or 101 quoting the reference. 21000058743.

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Tommy Vercetti

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