Alvaro City Council provides space to collect stray dogs

Alvaro City Council provides space to collect stray dogs


Dogs abandoned in Stork City will have shelter while their fate is clarified. Once the need was discovered and analyzed, lvaro City Council announced the start of a new service to collect lost dogs on public roads.

The novelty of the service is the adaptation of the space to collect these animals. As the Consistory indicated in a statement, the service will begin collecting dogs by the local police – those who find an abandoned dog on public roads must contact the body via phone number 941 180308 – to take them to municipal offices, where they will be looked after by Paco Bonafuente, a municipal official. It has a long history and is known for its love and affection for these pets.

From there, the service will attempt to locate the owners of the lost dogs. If not achieved, it would allow for the usual procedure to operationalize the City Council’s existing agreement for regional animal collection services.

In addition to this service, the city council has launched posters on social networks to raise awareness among neighbors against animal abandonment.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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