Amazon buys 11 aircraft to increase its cargo capacity

Amazon buys 11 aircraft to increase its cargo capacity

New York – Amazon It bought 11 aircraft from airlines Delta And the Westgate To increase your fleet and the ability to deliver products to consumers faster.

The company said on its blog on Tuesday that it was the first time it had purchased aircraft for its cargo network. Over the past two years, Amazon has leased planes for this purpose.

“Owning a mix of leased and owned aircraft will allow us to better manage our operations,” said Sarah Rhodes, vice president of Amazon Global Air.

The company has switched to trying to ship its packages and relying less on the postal service or shipping companies like UPS. In addition to its fleet of aircraft, the company has distribution centers at airports, has set up warehouses near residential areas and has started a program in which third parties can ship their products using trucks painted with the Amazon logo.

The company said 11 aircraft, all of them Boeing 767-300, will be modified to carry cargo, not passengers.

Four WestJet aircraft from which it will purchase will be added to the airline’s fleet this year, and seven from Delta next year. In total, by 2022, the company will have 85 aircraft. Inc. refused. Disclosure of the amount you paid for the plane.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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