Armor, book and tribute to Rove Codina, “The Catalan of Lugo”

Armor, book and tribute to Rove Codina, “The Catalan of Lugo”

Santiago de Compostela, October 6 (European press) –

A book about his career and a painting at Parque das Ciencias and an honorary at Pazo de Fonseca Santiago de Compostela were the different roads celebrate This Thursday Science Day in Galicia with veterinarian Ruf Codina, “the Catalan from Lugo”as the main champion of this year.

It is an event promoted by the Royal Galician Academy of Sciences (RAGC) that culminated in this work in Fonseca where the president of the institution, Juan Lima, and the rector of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) intervened. , Antonio López, assisted by the President of the Galician Council of Culture (CCG), Rosario Alvarez; Secretary General of Universities, José Alberto Diez de Castro; Mayor of Lugo – where Rove Codina developed his career – Lara Mendes; Member of the Municipal Council of El Prat de Llobregat – his native municipality – Gabriel Sociano; President of the Galician Academy of Veterinary Sciences Antonio Crespo; As well as the grandchildren of the honorees and other academics.

‘We want to highlight the path eminent worlda Catalan From Lugo who got Radically improving the health and productivity of the livestock sectorincorporating new paradigms such as prevention”, stressed the RAGC President, who also highlighted that his work goes beyond society, because “his advanced vision has allowed the modernization of veterinary procedures in Spain”.

“It also managed to change the mindset of the farmers, Incorporating elements such as SynergyOr collective farms or vertical farm integration,” Lima added.

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During this event, as reported by RAGC, video Juan Rove Codina, promoter of modern veterinary medicineIt covers the personal, familial and professional aspects of his personality. The Royal Academy Journal was also presented Science in Galiciadedicated in this issue to a veterinarian of Catalan origin.

The ‘Enthusiasm’ of Galician farming

USC Professor of Contemporary History Lourenzo Fernández Prieto, an expert on rural societies and technological changes in agriculture, as well as the author of numerous works on Rof Codina, gave a conference in which he said: He felt immediate enthusiasm for the Galician rural community, its agriculture, and its livestock.”

The historian recalled the “footprint” he left as an expert in agricultural health and hygiene, his appreciation of the blond Galician cow, his participation in politics through Galician solidarity and his life. Promoting agricultural unions and associationsIn addition to Cattle Shows in many counties.

In this law, the five Galician research medalsThat fell on the world of viruses Jesus Lopez Romaldi – The Order of the Alvarinho Nexels, in the world of politics Ramon Miz Suarez Domingo Garcia Sabel Rivas Medal in Chemical Engineering Maria Angelis Sanroman Braga – Isidro Barga Bundal Medal – in Physicist and Publisher George Mir – Enrique Vidal Abascal Medal – In Chemistry Isabel Pastorizza Santos Antonio Casares Rodriguez Medal.

During the Thursday morning, other events were held in honor of the character of Rove Codina, such as the placement of a memorial plaque in Parque das Ciencias in cooperation with the Santiago City Council, which was attended by the mayor. and Xosé Sánchez Bugallo and members of the Foundation. J . publicationOne Roof Codena. A reference to Galician agriculture and livestock in the twentieth centuryIn the presence of its coordinator, Antonio Reguero. The book is Freely and freely available On the website of the Cultural Foundation.

Izer Hector

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