Baseball – Tatis Jr and Diaz and Kano lead a superstar triumph

Baseball – Tatis Jr and Diaz and Kano lead a superstar triumph

The Superstars defeated the Giants 7 runs in 6 games Wednesday at Tetelo Vargas Stadium here to score Jose Manuel Fernandez’s first Series A semi-final victory for Jose Manuel Fernandez in the Fall Winter Memorial Baseball Championship.

To win, Paquidermos made a four-stroke rally in the seventh game, led by Fernando Tatis Jr., who shot a hat-trick on the right field producing two rounds, and sent another Robinson Cano to the board with one to the left. The fourth came to the plate after catcher Logan Moore’s throwing foul that hit disc runner Emilio Gustave to take second place in an attempted robbery.

The four games that appeared in both nineties are determined in a career. Giants dominate Series 3-1.

Veteran Werfin Obispo (1-0) scored the victory by shooting the seventh with two strokes, a walk and a kick, while the back fell to Jere de los Santos (0-1), who allowed two strikes and three laps. In the hallway with a ticket.

Importer Matt Bobrico saved the match by completing the ninth game in which he allowed a pair of runs with two strokes and one walk.

He shot a total of seven All-Star 7.13 attenuators in four rounds and 11 strokes, while six Giants magazines allowed four and six strokes.

For the stars, who scored 11 hits, Fernando Tates Jr., double and triple with two RBIs and scored twice; Robinson Cano, 4–2 with runs and one RBI; Jeremy Peña, 4-2 and scored twice; Lewin Diaz, 3-3 with RBI; Socrates Britto, 3-1 in one fell swoop.

Oliver Walton

"Pro alcohol addict. Bacon scholar. Award-winning beer fan. Gamer. Social media expert. Zombie guru."

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