Beatriz Pasquel contrasted Alejandra Guzmán by sharing photos from the family album

Beatriz Pasquel contrasted Alejandra Guzmán by sharing photos from the family album

The Guzmán family, the Pinal dynasty … will they recover again after the scandal sparked by the harsh revelation of Frida Sophia Your grandfather accused of sexual assault during your childhood?

While both sides are taking their bloody battle into the legal realm, in her interview Alejandra Guzman a Adela MicahThe singer revealed that she had not seen her daughter’s father in 29 years. Today Frida’s father-in-law, Beatrice Basquell They shared several unpublished family photos in their stories, which deny the singer’s white gloved version.

The wife wrote “Journey to the Past.” Pablo Moctezuma To start a series of photos that, over the years, you can see Frida grow in touch with both families and events where everyone celebrates together, including Enrique Guzman And his daughter Alejandra.

IG Beatriz Pasquale

IG Beatriz Pasquale

IG Beatriz Pasquale

IG Beatriz Pasquale

IG Beatriz Pasquale

IG Beatriz Pasquale

To end the succession of pictures, my stepmother Frida Sophia He repeated his own support for his daughter-in-law in a very loving manner, writing of a happy picture of both of them: “Always by your side.”

IG Beatriz Pasquale

IG Beatriz Pasquale

For this part, Pablo Moctezuma revealed Referring to the same topic to DPM Of course, he saw his ex-wife and the mother of his daughter all these years, something his wife has now made very clear:

And think, “This woman is really bad, and she’s out of reality.” Guzman. “I mean, I went to see her in the hospital the last time, and she’d been with us in New York for 20 years, and I stayed at my home in Acapulco with a friend who was my chain’s keeper,” she revealed. “Or does she say: I helped her, I took her by the hand and put her in the shelter … Who does that? Who in his mind can do that? Does this help your daughter?”

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“Full of lies, he continues to discredit Frida, continues to defend the untenable, we have already seen what kind of man this man is …”, he added, referring to Enrique Guzman.

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Muhammad Bourn

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