Books to give away at Christmas and catch up

Books to give away at Christmas and catch up

Statistics indicate that Spaniards read an average of 10.9 Copies annually, according to the 2019 latest barometer of reading and book buying habits of the Federation of Syndicates of Publishers in Spain (FGEE). 68.5% of the population read frequentlyMost of the readers are women. More and more is being read, although it can also be from the effect of confinement and remote work, because we spend more time at home.

there he is Small list of books that can be purchasedGive and read this Christmas, and be informed.

“When Voters Get Impatient” by Rafael Pampillon

McGraw-Hill (2021). In the United States in the 1970s, Gerald Ford lost the US election because he was unable to stop unemployment. Jimmy Carter lost it in 1980 because he was unable to control inflation. The rise and fall of governments Throughout recent history, they have been backed by the success or failure of their economic policies. There are external reasons, of course, such as wars, but in the end, the ordinary voter’s view of his present and economic future is what prompts him to express his opinion at the polls. This is what Rafael Pampione, professor at the Empresa Institute, with a doctorate in economic and business sciences from the University of Barcelona and an MBA from IESE, is trying to explain.

bambion, Apart from being the author of more than 100 works published in scientific journalsHe has a quality that is so demanded by journalists: he is an excellent celebrity. It generalizes complex topics and makes them accessible to any reader or viewer (and is now on TV). This book discusses electoral processes And its relationship to economic successes and failures since the Industrial Revolution and the democracies that have been established since then. Is there a pattern? In general, yes, because when the voter has the opportunity to punish the government for its economic neglect, He will do it because he has lost his patience. But it cannot be said that the solution is to be more liberal or to be more intrusive.

Sometimes one thing works and other times it doesn’t. What is crucial for any politician is the concern for the primary pocket of the voter’s economy. “History is full of these radical changes in the political parties that govern and in their leaders,” says Pampion. These changes in government result, in many cases, by failure to meet generally accepted economic policy objectives. When unemployment rises, growth stagnates and Inflation is out of controlThere is discontent in society resulting from the gap that is opening between the expectations of voters and the serious economic crisis. Then the opponent appears who manages to re-float the economy.”

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“Director’s Speech” Pedro J. Ramirez

Journalists’ books are always entertaining because journalists are so good at telling stories. It was Pedro C. Ramirez is and remains one of the most influential journalists in Spain. He served as director of “Diario16”, “El Mundo” and now at “El Español”. In this book he comments on his meetings with politicians, bankers and the king, As well as the great press strikes in his life. With “El Mundo” Ramirez created a medium known above all for his research. The most famous is undoubtedly the interview that two El Mundo journalists gave to the former director of the Civil Guard, Luis Roldan, who fled justice and was persecuted by Interpol.

When the Spanish police believed he was in Laos, El Mundo published The Interview with Roldán (he was in Paris) and he sold several issues on the same day until over a million copies were sold. These and other investigations such as the regulation of the GALs led to the fall of the Socialist Workers Party government in 1996 and the imprisonment of a minister. The book ends in 2006. Ramirez was at the topShe is considered one of the 10 most influential people in the country, on the condition of a very high compensation, and “El Mundo” in its hard copy and on the Internet, as the most influential medium in the universe in Spanish. “I was happy,” the journalist finally admitted. “But the mother of all crises is beginning to incubate in the global economy.” This means that the second part of this CV is being prepared.

“Prisoner of Anwal” by Alfonso Basallo

Last summer marked the centenary of one of the greatest defeats in Spanish history. A group of armed rural people, who lived between what is now Morocco and Libya, killed more than 10,000 Spaniards in a military offensive that was flawed on the part of Spain. It was called the annual disaster. Among the sites that destroyed the camp of Dar Qabdani: the countryside besieged this Spanish camp and made it surrender. Instead of honoring the surrender, the rebels led by Abd al-Karim seized the weapons and put 900 soldiers to the knife. Those who survived were put in prison. Someone offered Francisco Basalo to help For the Spanish doctors who took care of the survivors.

Despite his ignorance, he became a doctor. Basalo was famous for the way he took care of the wounded and women. But also the rural population. To save the life of the son of a country chief, he had to amputate his arm, for which the chief (commander) was grateful to him and brought food to the prisoners. Eventually, Basalo’s fame as a healer grew, and even rural people lined up to take care of them. On his return to Spain, Sergeant Basalo was treated as a hero The press called him “the angel of captivity.” All this was said by Alfonso Basalo, grandson of the Anwal champion. Alfonso Basallo is a journalist. He worked at “El Mundo” and was the director of “Epoca” and “Actuall” and now coordinates “Nueva Revista”. In writing the book, he relied on his grandfather’s memoirs published in 1924. but also in other testimonies of survivors or relatives of survivors.

The “Black Book of Nationalism” by different authors

Imagine a plan to destroy an entire region economically, politically and socially. Imagine this plan being executed patiently, but decisively, and carefully. Imagine taking over schools, universities, professional and economic associations, culture and media. Imagine that those who fabricate and activate all of this are so motivated by hatred that they do not see the dire consequences of their plan. But they believed the opposite, who are doing a great job for their community because they hide it behind words like democracy. This is what happened in Catalonia and this is what was revealed in this huge book written by journalists, analysts, economists and experts.

A little over a year ago, the coordinators of this project (Miriam Tay, Sergio Fidalgo, Pablo Planas and Juan Pablo Cardinal) set out to collect expert opinions and translate them into a book, The Black Book of Nationalism. There are dozens of collaborators such as Iñaki Ellacuría, Antonio Caño (former director of El País), Arcadi Espada (a columnist for El Mundo), Teresa Freixes, Albert Boadella … The demolition of Catalonia began during the same transitional period, when Catalan politicians developed a long-term plan to achieve independence. One of the biggest moments of momentum was in 2012, when the transformation of public resources began For internal and external blasting in Spain.

The nationalists created diplomas, amounting to 417 million euros, the majority of the public, “served generals to create a wonderful mechanism of pressure and agitation abroad,” says journalist Juan Pablo Cardinal. The purpose was to get International support for this process Watering all kinds of international seminars, conferences and meetings with money to promote the story of the liberation of independence and oppressive Spain. But what was actually driving that story was Hispanophobia.

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The fear of Hispanics behind closed doors has manifested itself through a vast network of commissioners in Catalonia’s schools, universities and media, even in business and union circles. Several journalists, as Federico Jiménez Losantos complained in an interview, They have joined the ranks of Catalan radicalism. In short, anyone who has doubts about what happened in Catalonia from the 1970s to today should read this book If you want to know what will happen in the next few years.

“Human Walking” by Facundo Manes and Matero Nero

It seems inconceivable that scientists only began studying the brain a few decades ago, because until then, says the book, “these questions were addressed only by philosophers, artists, religious leaders, and scientists who worked in isolation. But then neuroscience emerged, This was partly thanks to the development of biochemistry and tools such as scanners. Hence neuroscience Become a fashion expert, with great public demand because it gives scientific answers to human behaviors that we thought were cultural. “We have learned in these decades More about the brain than it has been in the entire history of mankind.”

The authors are Facundo Manes, a world-renowned prominent Argentine neuroscientist, and Matteo Nero, professor of biology, narrative science and sociolinguistics. This book has been translated as Everything you need to know about the brain. What we have learned is that our behavior is governed in part by our will, but also by a combination of hormones and neurotransmitters. For example, what we call stress is nothing more than the body’s natural preparation for a difficult situation such as a fight or flight. It’s nice to have that tension now and then. The problem with our way of life is that we are constantly releasing adrenaline and cortisol, without ever being in a state of extreme danger. Just worry. “The Long and High Levels [de estrés] It can have negative effects In memory and other cognitive functionsIt results in chronic stress.

The book dispels some recent myths about the impact of technology on the brain. Mance, for example, thinks so “The Internet will not corrupt effective thought mechanisms.”Nor was writing 2,500 years ago (which Plato believed), or television. Believe that we are beings that interact directly and that This is the important thing in cognitive development. It is easy to read, plus it offers many clues to explain human attitudes, biases, and cognitive behaviors.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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