CDMX will deploy approximately 2,400 police officers to the LGTB+ Pride parade

CDMX will deploy approximately 2,400 police officers to the LGTB+ Pride parade

The Citizens' Security Secretariat (SSC) communicated on Friday details of the planned apparatus for the LGTBI+ Pride parade in Mexico City, one of the largest in America, which will include nearly 2,400 police officers to ensure the security of the event on Saturday.

The Supreme Security Committee reported that 2,373 uniformed personnel will be supported by 90 official vehicles, 31 motorcycles, five tow trucks, various types of ambulances and a helicopter to protect and monitor the march, which is scheduled to begin at 11:00 local time.

Mexico City's mayor, Martí Batres, commented during the presentation of the operation, saying that for his administration the march “is important because it is an expression of freedom (…) to seize the freedoms that have occurred in Mexico City.” Mexico.

“From the city government, we respect this march (…) which has a history of fighting for freedoms here in Mexico City,” Patrice noted during the event.

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The official route will start from Ángel de la Independencia at 11:00 am and will go to the Zócalo of the capital, passing through the Reforma, Juárez and Lázaro Cárdenas roads before arriving at 5 de Mayo, from where it will go to its final destination.

The parade will consist of 67 vehicles accompanied by personnel from the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Traffic Control.

Francisco Javier Montaño, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Traffic Control, explained that according to estimates of the parades from previous years, at least 250,000 direct participants are expected, not counting spectators, so a large concentration of people is expected during the tour.

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The Supreme Security Committee recommended that participants avoid consuming alcohol and psychoactive substances, pay attention to fluids and nutrition, and wear protective clothing against the sun and rain.

They expect spills worth more than 5,500 million pesos

The president of the National Federation of Chambers of Commerce (Concanaco Surveyor), Octavio de la Torre, said in a statement on Monday that they expect at least 500,000 tourists to come to the capital for this celebration that will last at least four consecutive days until its end with the now traditional Saturday parade.

The LGTB+ Pride parade is expected to leave more than 5.5 billion pesos in economic benefits in Mexico City, according to Concanaco Servytur estimates.

With information from EFE

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