Circles – the most popular historical monuments and places in social networks

Circles – the most popular historical monuments and places in social networks

The ancient Mayan city of Tulum (Mexico), the Eiffel Tower in Paris (France) and the Taj Mahal (India) top the list of the most famous monuments and historical sites that people who visit them share on social networks.


+ + The top ten most famous “online”.

+++ TKA Highlights Among the network’s preferences are the Mayan ruins of Tulum (Quintana Roo, Mexico), Machu Picchu Castle (Cusco, Peru), Statue of Liberty (New York, USA), Chichen Itza Archaeological Complex (Yucatan, Mexico) and the pre-Columbian city of Teotihuacan (northeast of Mexico City, Mexico).

+++ Tulum tops the list as the most popular historical site on social networks, with 1,584 million shares, followed by the emblematic Eiffel Tower in Paris (France) with over 407 million, and the Indian funeral complex Taj Mahal, with over 352 million shares Once according to this source.

With the prospect of being able to travel around the world again, sometimes within reach, and at other times getting away, as the pandemic develops in different geographical points, we are all eager to visit other places beyond our borders and see the wonderful monuments from different countries.

Instagram, Tiktok and Pinterest.

Some of these monuments and history are so unusual that we can’t resist sharing them on our social accounts, according to the Knowledge Academy (TKA), a UK-based global training platform that offers professional training in technology, information, enterprise and business management technologies.

With this idea in mind, the research team TKA ( conducted a statistical study to discover which of the world’s monuments or historical places are the most famous and loved on social networks, and analyzed the content shared on Instagram, TikTok and Pinterest.

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For this work, a list of the most visited palaces and monuments in the world was made based on Wikipedia information, and the number of times each of these monuments was shared on social networks was calculated by certain “online” actions.

These “online” actions are “hashtags” (tags identifying the same subject made up of words, phrases, or alphanumeric characters) from Instagram and TikTok, and “pins” (photos or videos that allow a user to enter a site by clicking on them) from Pinterest, according to TKA.

This study reveals that the Mayan archaeological site of Tulum, in Mexico, is the historical point most shared on social networks, followed by the Eiffel Tower (France) and Taj Mahal (India), completing the platform of the three most loved archaeological sites in social networks (RR.SS). .).

Mexico and Tulum in the head.

Tulum is the most shared landmark on TikTok, while the Eiffel Tower is the most shared on Instagram and Pinterest, according to TKA research, which shows Mexico dominates the list of historic sites, including three of the ten archaeological sites. RR.SS. In its territories: Tulum, Chichen Itza and Teotihuacan.

Tulum tops the list as the most popular historical landmark on social networks, having been shared a total of 1,584,562,637 times.

Located in Quintana Roo (Mexico) on the picturesque coast of the Caribbean Sea, it is almost impossible for tourists from the Riviera Maya to stop sharing its idyllic white sandy beaches, as well as the ruins of this walled city in the “Internet”. Mayan civilization.

The second place on the list is the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris, which has been shared on social media 407462295 times.

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Located in a beautiful herb park, Champ de Mars, the shape of this iron structure of more than 300 meters high, counting its antenna, built for the Universal Exposition of 1889, has become a symbol of France and its capital, has prevailed in social networks for years.

The Taj Mahal, in India, ranks as the third most loved archaeological site on the Internet, shared on social networks, in a total of 3,527,580,040 occasions.

The carved white marble mausoleum and its lotus dome attract more than 7 million tourists each year. This majestic 17th century funerary ensemble, built by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in the city of Agra, combines elements of Islamic architecture, ? Persian, Indian and Turkish.

Machu Picchu is in fourth place in Cusco (Peru), and it is shared on social networks by 199,314. 552 shares.

The ruins of an Inca fortress, supposedly used as a ceremonial palace and religious sanctuary, are located at the top of the Cordillera de Vilcabamba in the Andes mountain range and overlooking the majestic Urubamba River, making them a “must” print on social media. modes.

In fifth place, with 146,482,664 shares destined for her share of the three RR.SS. Analyzed in the study, the Statue of Liberty memorial in the United States.

This green statue bearing the “Liberty Enlightening the World” torch, located by the mouth of the Hudson River in New York, was a gift from France to the American people in 1886 and is one of the most important and famous monuments in the world, with a prominent role in networks.

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Next on the list are the ruins of Pompeii (Naples, Italy), the Statue of Unity (Quevadia, India), the complex of Chichen Itza (Yucatan, Mexico) and the Sagrada Familia (Barcelona, ​​Spain).

The pre-Columbian city of Teotihuacan ranks 10th, with 3,840,867 shares shared on social networks.

Located on the outskirts of Mexico City, Teotihuacan is home to the ruins of an important central road or street, Calzada de los Muertos, as well as the Pyramid of the Sun. Its panoramic views and cultural aspects have made it one of the main attractions and its heroes are famous on social media.

Aygen Marsh

"Certified introvert. Extreme coffee specialist. Total zombie defender. Booze fanatic. Web geek."

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