CNE must explain to Yaku Pérez if discrepancies in 16,000 minutes affected the vote | Politics | News

CNE must explain to Yaku Pérez if discrepancies in 16,000 minutes affected the vote |  Politics |  News

If, with Pachakutek’s objection, he cannot persuade his candidate to go to the second round, a national conference will be called to determine which candidate will support him.

At the end of the term, political organizations must present their objections to the official results of the presidential double-edged dignity, before National Electoral Council (CNE) Presidential candidate Pachacutec (PK), Yaku Perez, Accompanied by mob and political leaders, as they strive to participate in the election competition for the second round scheduled for April 11th.

The objection was filed with fourteen boxes that, according to their calculations, contained 16,000 census sheets with inconsistencies, which would be evidence of suspected electoral fraud detrimental to their candidacy. As stated, until the time of publication of this news, it was the only objection raised by political issues.

The deadline for challenging the numerical results for political citizens ends Tuesday

Seven days after a protest march for “transparency” that began in Luja and crossed the southern Ecuadorian Sierra, hundreds of Indigenous Movement supporters arrived in Quito yesterday morning.

They stationed in the south of the city and advanced in the afternoon to El Arboleto Park, where they made a statement encouraging the slogan “My voice is not for sale, my vote is cannon.”

From the heads of the demonstration Carlos Sokuzunay, leader of Ecuador, He questioned the official census and warned that if the results were not reviewed, this could lead to an uprising of the indigenous population, “because the dream of this political project cannot be eliminated because it violates the rights and will of the people,” he said.

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Peres insisted that the announced results “are fraudulent and the real results are in the conscience of the National Electoral Council.”

The mobilization arrived minutes after 1:00 p.m. to the council, as none of the four council members attended. They even held an almost plenary session.

They found a metal fence surrounding the building, a cavalry arm of the National Police, a riot tank and dozens of military and police personnel on alert for potential abuses.

In any event, political leaders were allowed in and were received by Secretary Santiago Vallejo to certify the entry of the objection and the thousands of accompanying evidence.

In the organization hall, there were about 20 officials waiting for them to count documents while being monitored by Labor delegates.

The council must review the administrative appeal and verify whether there are numerical discrepancies or in the signatures of a secretary or chairperson of receiving boards to vote within a period of three days (ending on Friday).

With this decision, it will appeal to the PK to Controversial Electoral Court (TCE) To exhaust legal instances.

Marlon Santi, Combat CoordinatorHe noted that in the first suit that was evacuated during the National Audit Court, they gave 2,500 minutes and yesterday they handed in another 16,000.

He estimated that these developments would harm Peres by about 700,000 votes, indicating that fraud had been taken to prevent the candidate from voting.

To which it is added – he mentioned – that the advisers did not allow the State Comptroller’s office to conduct a computer audit of the Computer System for Auditing and Results (SIER) and that they questioned the previous investigation that the Office of the Prosecutor opened for investigation. Electoral database.

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The movement filed a criminal complaint for alleged fraud with CNE and yesterday planned to present more evidence, including thousands of records its delegates had collected.

Santi recounted that suspicions arose when they went to the Guayas Electoral Council to monitor the scrutiny and were not allowed in. Then they saw an increase in the records with discrepancies and the “electoral register inflated”, because on the voting schedule where there were expected to be 350 voters there were 660 votes or on the list of 200 there were 400.

And if, despite these complaints, Yako Perez does not go to the second round, Santi has announced that he is attending a national conference of 3,000 followers of the political movement to determine who will support on April 11th.

The Democratic Left rejects the National Council’s lack of transparency and maintains that it will not support the candidates in the second round

We will decide where our votes will go. We want to tell Ecuador that we cannot accept candidates who have entered fraudulently. He indicated that the people are wise and will decide, “but he ruled out that any official leader of the movement would have an affinity with President Andres Arouz, from the UNES Corista Alliance. (I)

Aygen Marsh

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