Create two committees to strengthen governance in science and technology in Peru | News

Create two committees to strengthen governance in science and technology in Peru |  News

The Official Gazette of El Peruano today publishes Supreme Decree No. 025-2021-PCM, which established the Multisectoral Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (CMCTI) and the Advisory Committee on Science, Technology and Innovation (CCCTI).

Committees to Promote Governance in Science and Technology in Peru by Andean Agency On Scribd

The first is an example of a multi-sector expression that aims to meet The objectives of the National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy In various governmental sectors, because in the current context it leads to the prioritization of actions and initiatives in these activities, with the aim of promoting the economic, social and environmental development of the country.

The CMCTI consists of 12 Ministers of State, the President of the National Assembly of Regional Governments and the President of CONCYTEC, who chairs it. The ministries represented in CMCTI are the Ministries of Economy, Finance, Production, Agricultural Development, Irrigation, Transport, Communications, Education, Health, Foreign Relations, Environment, Energy, Minerals, Defense, Foreign Trade, Tourism, Development and Social Inclusion.

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The advisory committee, for its part, is an advisory body to both CMCTI and CONCYTEC, the purpose of which is to identify and suggest policy options, initiatives and interventions to develop science, technology and innovation in the country.

The advisory committee will be composed of high-level experts in science, technology or innovation with distinguished academic and / or professional experience, performing their duties honorably, and chaired by a representative of the President of the Republic.

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Publication date: 2/18/2021

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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