DACO fines Ticketera to return canceled event fees

DACO fines Ticketera to return canceled event fees

secretary Consumer Affairs Department (DACO), Aidan Rivera, confirmed in an interview with Puerto Rico metro, which – which They charged two tickets to Ticketera Regarding the process of refunding customers for service charges.

As he said, the fines were imposed last Monday. one of them for Violation of the return policy.

The agency stated that they had one for $5,000 and the other for $4,000.

DACO Ticketera . informed Last September 13 ordered to show the reason for facing questions about return After the canceled events. However, for Rivera, the information provided by the company “did not satisfy” to DACO, for which the fine was issued.

It was so confusing And they were claiming inconsistencies in the practices they were subjected to, with the return policies they were announcing,” Rivera said.

The secretary noted that the company “The return policy was not clear and adequate.”

DACO released a 2nd fine For violating the Purchase Receipt Transparency Act, which sets the criteria for when a company can charge an additional service fee.

“We understand Ticketera violated this provision as well.”Rivera has been added.

And she pointed out that she expanded the scope of the investigation “to find out how many events were canceled, for what reason and those events were canceled, and what kind of service fees were returned, if any money was returned.”

Here you can watch the interview:

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Izer Hector

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