Do the phases of the moon affect our bodies? | Health | magazine

Do the phases of the moon affect our bodies?  |  Health |  magazine

The phases of the moon affect ocean tides and other mechanisms in nature. Does it affect humans too? Here we tell you.

The moon has captured the human mind since the beginning of time. Over the centuries, different peoples around the world have worshiped her as an important deity, believing that she has real power to influence their lives and health.

In a way, this fascination with the natural satellite of our planet continues. On July 20 every year, we remember the anniversary of man’s arrival on the moon, a mission that will once again be performed by NASA in 2024.

The Moon affects life on Earth and its natural mechanisms. The gravitational attraction between the Moon and the Earth causes the tides to rise and fall in the ocean. Likewise, it also affects corals, marine worms and some fish, since they have nearly simultaneous reproductive cycles with the lunar ones.

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For this reason, it is also believed that the moon can have certain effects on humans, a problem that led to the word being coined crazy (derived from latin crazy) to describe a person experiencing sudden changes in his personality, for several years it was believed that the moon was the cause of insanity and epilepsy, as described BBC Future. But, is it true that the natural satellite of our planet has effects on our bodies?

menstrual cycles

The idea that the menstrual cycle and moon phases are related in some way stems from the concept that a menstrual cycle lasts an average of 28 days, which is roughly equivalent to one lunar cycle. The Moon takes 27 days, 8 hours, and 43 minutes to complete one revolution around the Earth and 29.5 days in its lunar phase cycle.

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In the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, several small studies suggested that ovulation periods coincide with the “light” phase (in the phase leading to the full moon) and the “dark” phase (in the phase leading up to the new moon) of the lunar cycle, respectively.

Some of these studies have also found an association between the phases of the moon, and changes in levels of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep-wake cycles, and the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Until 2005, study Working with a small group from Nepal, I found that women whose ovulation phase coincided with the full moon, and who got pregnant during the full moon, were more likely to give birth to male babies. Those who got pregnant before the full moon were more likely to give birth to female babies.

howeverIt is unlikely, except by chance, that most periods “coincide” with certain phases of the moon. Menstrual cycles can last from 21 to 35 days, and their length can also change with age and due to hormonal factors.

a study Published in 2013, which lasted one year and was performed on 74 women of childbearing age, it contradicted the idea that the moon had an effect on menstrual cycles. The research found no relationship between menstruation, fertility, and the phases of the moon.

Sleep and wake hours

a Study 2015 It found that the full moon can affect sleep differently in men and women. Many women sleep less and sleep less REM sleep (the phase in which dreams and nightmares occur) as the full moon approaches, while men sleep more near the full moon.

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In 2016, a group of researchers Examination of children’s sleep cycles in 12 countries. They found that children slept 1% ​​less during the full moon phase. however, No association was found between this change in sleep and a significant difference in behavior during that period.

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Although many studies suggest an association between sleep and lunar cycles, not all of them do. a study 2015, in which 2125 people participated, It found no link between the full moon and changes in sleep patterns.

Changes in human behavior

The adaptation of the human body to exposure to daylight and darkness.

This has led to the development of circadian rhythms that affect many of the body’s systems, not just the sleep-wake cycle. Circadian rhythms also affect your physical and mental health.

But the widespread use of electric light means that many of your circadian rhythms are adapting to new patterns of light and dark. When circadian rhythms change, It can cause or exacerbate symptoms of some mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression.

Does the moon have the ability to disrupt your circadian rhythm? The full moon lights up the sky with a faint light 0,1 a 0,3 luxCompared to a street lamp (15 lux) or a mobile phone screen (40 lux).

The prevailing scientific evidence says that the moon is not associated with mood swings or mental health problems. Researchers at 2017 study He analyzed emergency room records in a 140-bed hospital and found that people visited the emergency room for a mental condition in roughly equal numbers during all four phases of the moon.

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a 2006 review Among more than 10,000 medical records from different facilities I found the same thing: there was no relationship between a full moon and the number of hospital visits for mental or mood disorders. (I)

Izer Hector

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