Do you remember Andy Delorte? Well, that boss upset Lille in the French league

Do you remember Andy Delorte?  Well, that boss upset Lille in the French league

The LittleLeader League 1 The Frenchman, he suffered a lot for him A 1-1 draw In the house against him MontpellierOn Friday, the match that opened Round 33.

Andy DelortAnd the Former player in TigersOpen the result to MontpellierHeaded in the 21st minute while the Brazilian Louise Araujo I got a tie in one already at 85, with a brilliant half a ball With the outer part of the foot.

With a score of 70 points, Little Sure, he will stay in the lead over the weekend, but he can see his stalkers approaching.

Temporarily placed with 4 more points Paris Saint-Germain (II), who faces Sunday Saint-Etienne (13) It can only get close to one point behind the leader.

The Monaco (III) Now 5 points late Little He will close to 2 if he wins on Sunday at Bordeaux (15º), while Lyon (4th), at 6 points, it will be 3 if it expires on the same day Nantes (19º).

The Montpellier He signed his fourteenth consecutive match without losing taking into account all competitions. It’s the eighth with 47 pointsAnd they’re still in the race for European positions.

After what Delort He will sign his twelfth goal this season, and Little He launched himself in search of a tie, with more will than efficiency.

Al-Kindi entered the match in 68 Jonathan DavidHe, who has recovered ahead of schedule from his ankle sprain, encouraged locals to play offensively.

But we had to wait until 85 and a shot from the outside of the foot Araujo So that Little He could, at least, avoid defeat at home Villeneuve Dusk.

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In the last minutes, it was a Night pressure for victory, But it is not possible to move from 1-1, which is a result that adds doubts before the decisive move to Lyon, And he is a direct contender for the title.

Oliver Walton

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