Do you want to work for Elon Musk? These are the 4 requirements | International | News

Do you want to work for Elon Musk?  These are the 4 requirements |  International |  News

What Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, is looking for.

Elon Muskin company Tesla is looking for new experts. For this reason, AI Day was held in which the founder of the company showed the progress they are making in the field of artificial intelligence. This event led to Jason Atten, Expert in technology and innovation, a recall Tweet In it Elon Musk explains four characteristics he expects from his staff.

Among Musk’s requests, four characteristics related to human abilities rather than technical characteristics are described. These are:

  • Of work ethics
  • Ability to create objects
  • general knowledge
  • Reliability

Yes, entrepreneurs prioritize this knowledge over technical knowledge Musk, “We can practice the rest”.

1. A working protocol

Kasturi mentions the fact that his work requires people who are 100% dedicated, hard working and achieving the results expected by the company. “The desire to fully immerse themselves and work for the common goal of the company.”

2. Ability to create objects

When Musk actually refers to the ability to create objects, he is related to the ability to create projects and achieve the goals of the company.

3. General knowledge

General knowledge is very important for an employer because the work team needs to make good decisions and, therefore, can safely hand over the work.

4. Reliability

“Hiring someone who is untrustworthy is wrong because they have a fancy degree or experience. Even if you have to work a lot, it always pays more when you have to fix the problems they cause,” Atten added. Elon Musk is a hopeless person. Decides that he will not be suitable for the company.

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Finally, the recommendation of the millionaire and aerospace entrepreneur is: “What you need to see as a human resources leader is evidence that the candidate has exceptional talent and if there is any achievement or success in favor of him.”

When Musk interviewed his prospective workers, he often gave a brief summary of their careers and described how they solved some of the difficult problems they had to deal with; It shows that common sense and logic prevail to hire someone for him and to deal with problems. (I)

Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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