Environment – 2050 is the horizon of the planet’s climate ambitions

Environment – 2050 is the horizon of the planet’s climate ambitions

The global fight against climate change is taking place in a two-speed scenario, with countries like Germany betting on more aggressive and ambitious policies, while others, such as China, adopt restrictive stances, with short targets to cut emissions.

On the European continent, the search for political and energy strategies to raise climate ambition follows the guidelines issued by the European Union (EU), which aim to become the world’s first climate neutral power by 2050.

Europe towards neutrality in 2050

Germany is already on the net of launching the most advanced country in climate policy, and has enough tools to reduce its emissions by 2030 by 65% ​​compared to 1990 (compared to 55% previously), and by 88% by 2040 and achieving climate neutrality by 2045, five Years before a community commitment.

In the United Kingdom, the Climate Change Act 2008 set legally binding targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% by 2050, compared to 1990 levels.

However, the British government – which is hosting the upcoming Climate Summit (COP26) at the end of the year in Glasgow – announced months ago that it would accelerate its carbon dioxide emissions cut by 78% in 2035 – compared to 1990 levels – in order to help eliminate On climate impacts, a new target will become legislation.

Italy wants to cut the country’s carbon emissions by 60% by 2030 in addition to revising its renewable energy plant auction system to keep pace with other neighboring countries, such as Spain.

In France there is a bill, called the Climate Act, which was passed by the National Assembly in early May, which has not yet been passed through the Senate, which provides for a 40% reduction in pollutant gases by 2030, compared to 1990.

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Among the main measures envisaged are the banning of domestic air connections – if there is a railway for less than two and a half hours – in addition to announcing fossil fuels, building new airports or expansions to existing airports, and using heating on the balconies of restaurants and cafeterias from 2022.

Spain, which joined the list of European countries with a binding legislative mandate after the approval of the Climate Change Act today, sets minimum national targets for 2030 to reduce emissions by at least 23% compared to 1990; Reaching a 42% renewable energy penetration in final energy consumption; And to achieve an electrical system generating 74% of clean energies.

In northern Europe, some countries have raised their climate ambition, and thus, Norway expects to cut emissions by 55% in 2030 and climate neutrality in 2050, while in Sweden, with strong measures also in place, aiming to reduce emissions by 63% by 2030 and Climate neutrality in 2045.

China, in 2060

Outside of Europe, China, one of the most polluted countries in the world, with 27% of global emissions in 2019, announced days ago its commitment to work alongside other countries in combating climate change.

In this way, the role of the Asian giant in global climate equipment throws goals that focus on reaching peak emissions in 2030 and in 2060, neutrality, which the government will strictly limit the increase in coal consumption during 2021-2025 and will do so. Reduce it in the next five years.

Chinese authorities have tightened controls on vehicle emissions and punished companies that do not meet emissions-limit requirements or falsify their records.

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The government is also trying to encourage recycling of household garbage, reduce plastic use by up to 30 percent by 2025 – in China more than 31 tons of plastic are disposed of every day – or boost vehicle use through electric subsidies, which is expected to grow sales. By 55% in 2021, to reach 2 million units.

The United States is betting on itself with Biden

The United States, the second largest exporter of polluting gases, rejoined the Paris Agreement weeks ago, under the government of Joe Biden, sending clear signals of its desire to regain leadership in international negotiations that it had boycotted at other times during the Trump era. .

Biden confirmed the US plan to cut its emissions between 50% and 52%, based on 2005 levels, by the end of this decade, which would put the US on the path to becoming a zero-emissions economy at a later time. From the year 2050.

This goal is practically twice the target the United States assumed under the Paris Agreement, which was to reduce emissions between 26% and 28% by 2025.

Aygen Marsh

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