Governor David Monreal Saves Sports Spaces in El Orito

Governor David Monreal Saves Sports Spaces in El Orito

Zacatecas, Zack. May 04, 2022.- When supervising the facilities of the sports unit of the El Orito community, Governor David Monreal Avila stated that, as he offered in taking up the task in this new government, as a priority, he would strive to save the public and sports spaces of the city of El Orito. Zacatecan province.

“Since the protest, I have declared my desire and desire to take back all the spaces for the benefit of the Zacatecan athletes; for this reason, I have come to supervise this unit, where there are some spaces that look like ‘white elephants’ and it is necessary to operate them.”

After verifying that the El Orito sports unit still lacked infrastructure work, accessories and a parking platform, Governor David Monreal reported that work is being done to leave it in optimal conditions and start operating on the next cycle.

He explained that there is a disabled pool, as well as basketball and soccer fields, but that this would be complete with the accessories this sports space would require.

Governor David Monreal emphasized that the intention and desire is that new spaces can be built, as well as salvage and restore existing spaces, for the benefit of all athletes in Zacatecas, where sport should be considered a virtuous activity.

“It seems cruel and unfair to me that, with some spaces, our athletes find places as neglected as ‘white elephants’; it’s like cars: when you stop using them they deteriorate more than they are used.

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Just as it will be with sports spaces, the state president has already instructed the Department of Public Works (SOP) to salvage and honor community squares and parks as well as stadiums, which will favor sports, coexistence and rebuild the social fabric.

For his part, he called on athletes, as well as society in general, to take care of all public places such as stadiums, streets, squares and religious temples. “Let us all help out and we will see that we will have a better city, with more decent spaces, with spaces for entertainment and sports,” he said.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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