Health bans processions in Sacatepequez, including Antigua Guatemala, due to COVID-19 – Prensa Libre

Health bans processions in Sacatepequez, including Antigua Guatemala, due to COVID-19 – Prensa Libre

Sacatepequez Health District issued an official letter in who forbids processions in that municipality, Including Antigua Guatemala.

“With the processions topic, we make it clear that this area of ​​health He lodged an objection to the vicar. message says.

Salud said the reasons are mainly Guatemalans, “especially the province of Sacatepequez.”at risk of infection by covid-19″, According to the analyzed data.

In addition, he explained that according to the epidemiological traffic light, Alerts remained between red and orange in the municipality, This presents a high risk of infection.

“It is evident that the contagion curve, which is currently on the rise, will continue in the same way until the dates approach Lent and Easter, Which poses a high risk when producing uncontrollable agglomerations for face-to-face population participation,” the text warns.

The health recognizes the endorsement given by the ecclesiastical authority to organize processions; However, He warns that health alerts must be respected.

As noted by the Ministry in the past The municipality does not have the ability to control the massive influx of people, Nor agglomeration in the streets.

But the letter makes it clear that the vigils and concerts after analyzing the requirements, There can be no objection to these.

to celebrate other events, Consultation with the local municipal authority, Health indicates.

The decision will be accepted.

When asked about the measures issued by the health, Monsignor Gonzalo de Villa, Archbishop, Archbishop, said: “The decision of the authorities will be complied with.”

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“If the local authority in Sacatepequez bans, we will comply. The responsibility for “no” lies with Salud Sacatepéquez”, pass.

Read also: Hanging procession of Jesús Nazareno de la Salvación, one of the most famous areas of Antigua Guatemala

“I was just in the procession San Jose here in Guatemala,” he added.

According to the latest update of the Covid-19 Traffic Alert Signal, There are 224 municipalities under red alert, 112 at the orange level and only four under the yellow alert.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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