Health includes a new emergency X-ray and mammography room in Roquetas de Mar

Health includes a new emergency X-ray and mammography room in Roquetas de Mar

The Regional Delegate for Health and Consumer Affairs, Juan de la Cruz Belmonte, visited with the management team of the Poniente Health District, Emergency Service (SUAP) in Roquetas de Mar. It is a center that, as Belmont noted, “made a qualitative leap by incorporating more modern clinical equipment.”

As he detailed: “On the one hand, An X-ray room was set up This allows for a more accurate and immediate diagnosis, determining the most appropriate treatment and avoiding referring the patient to hospital, which reduces response times. Its inclusion represents a significant improvement in the case of bone, lung and/or abdominal diseases, and its advanced technology reduces the radiation received by the patient. This new tool also offers the option of performing telemetry to measure the electrical activity of the heart through cardiac monitoring.

On the other hand, the emergency service in Roquetas de Mar has New digital mammographyAn advanced device that provides an image with greater diagnostic accuracy. In this case, the breast cancer patient's radiation exposure is also less.

Its acquisition joins other devices that have been integrated in recent years at SUAP in Roquetas de Mar, such as the state-of-the-art slit lamp to facilitate eye examinations and New ultrasound machine To get clearer images of internal organs. The global investment in new SUAP equipment amounts to approximately 350 thousand euros. (Digital mammogram €290,000;

In this context, it is worth noting that the Poniente Health District in Almería It has renewed the available technology for performing radiology in six health centers in the region (Aguadulce Sur, Ejido Norte, Adra, Perga, Logar de Andarax, La Mugonera) and at the SUAP in Roquetas de Mar. To modernize the X-ray rooms, an amount of approximately one million euros was used. The outdated facilities have been replaced with more modern facilities, equipped with a more advanced radiography system that benefits both the user and the healthcare workers who care for them. With this type of equipment, diagnosis is accelerated and user displacement from the Andalusian public health system is avoided.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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