Health ministers across the country have decided to start vaccinating children from 3 to 11 years old against the coronavirus | After approval of the Sinopharm vaccine for boys

Health ministers across the country have decided to start vaccinating children from 3 to 11 years old against the coronavirus |  After approval of the Sinopharm vaccine for boys

Children from 3 to 11 years old will start vaccinating immediately – Next Monday might be the twelfth – although it makes sense First, with those with previous illnesses. After that, it will continue with 11 years and on a descending scale up to three years. This was stated at the meeting held last Monday Federal Health Board (COFISA), which includes health ministers from all provinces and the CABA, led by the national minister, Carla Vizzotti. The meeting also agreed to hold meetings with the Argentine Pediatric Society (SAP) and with the UNICEF Immunization Branch. The virtual meeting with SAP was already taking place on the same Monday afternoon. The state of Buenos Aires kicked off the start of registration and the registration of 340,000 boys on Saturday. But in Kovica, all districts agreed that the process of vaccinating minors was a reality.

It is possible that the government of Buenos Aires, which has always been different, will object and argue that there are not enough studies, but the Sinopharm vaccine is already applied to children in China, while Chile is vaccinating children with a Chinese vaccine also of Chinese origin. Lower Efficiency: Sinovac.

In the meantime, there will be many calls this week for second doses because 1,600,000 Oxford/AstraZeneca has arrived and a similar amount of Sputnik 2 has been completed in the Richmond lab. This week’s shipment will also come with more than 1,600,000 doses of Pfizer for teenage use.

In Cofesa Anmat’s decision that Friday allowed the Sinopharm vaccine for boys was explained. It was an expected decision given that the Ministry of Health collected nearly 10 million doses with the specific goal of applying it to boys from 3 to 11 years old.

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It is clear at this point that minors do not pass the COVID-19 virus in a serious way, but they are contagious, even more so than the elderly. So vaccination is a way to close the roads to the virus, especially because of the risk of transmission to parents and grandparents.

The objection of the Argentine Pediatric Society and a specialist explanation

It was the Argentine Society of Pediatrics that publicly raised the objection, which requested further scientific reports on Sinopharm. Molecular biologist Ernesto Resnick explained that phase 3 studies of 30,000 or 40,000 people are not being done on minors, precisely because they are children who cannot be vaccinated with the experimental vaccine. However, Resnick said there is already a huge app experience in China and now in Chile as well. Moreover, the inactivated virus technology has been demonstrated decades ago. On the contrary, in a new technology, such as messenger RNA – Pfizer and Moderna – there is less experience.

For now, Buenos Aires’ Minister of Health, Nicholas Kreblak, has already launched boys’ registrations with a strong start: 340,000 in one day and 400,000 over the weekend. According to the authorities of that wallet, relatively speaking, it’s a very high record of only two days. Kreplak is waiting for what is decided in Cofesa to find out what day the vaccination will begin: Argentina has the necessary vaccinations, so the decision is one of health policy. In addition, it is necessary to explain how to take it, because what is applied to boys is a lower dose: sometimes half, sometimes a third.

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second dose

What is not up for discussion is the last section of the second dose application: The calculation is that by the middle of the month all who received the initial dose could be fully vaccinated. For this purpose, 1,600,000 Oxford / AstraZeneca arrived this weekend and the version is that from Mexico, before October 15, another 3,500,000 vaccines whose active substance has been produced in the Garín mAbxience laboratory will arrive. In these quantities, all people waiting for the second dose of that vaccine will be completed.

As for Sputnik V, last week 1,600,000 doses 2 were released, they have been completed in the Richmond lab and five million doses 1 and 2 are awaiting QC approval. It is very likely that a new game this week will get the green light.

Sunday’s figure of just six deaths and 386 infections showed a decline occurring at a much faster rate than had been expected by professionals. One key was the delta variable delay, due to flight restrictions. But at this point, with the normalization of activities, it is possible that infections will rise, but vaccination – is the expectation – that serious cases or deaths will not increase.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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