How to clean Telegram: Delete photos and videos to free up space

How to clean Telegram: Delete photos and videos to free up space

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.- Telegram, like all messaging apps, can take up a lot of space on the phone, so it will be necessary to delete photos and videos.

The big advantage – if we compare it to the rest of the apps – is that Telegram saves everything in the cloud and not necessarily in your cell phone’s memory.

How do we free up space?

If you want to clean Telegram, you must start deleting the conversations you no longer need, so you can reclaim the space and it will be easier to find the conversations in the public list. To delete chats, just select them and click on the trash can icon.

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When you delete the chat, the downloaded files on the mobile device also disappear; This is a very fast and easy way to free up space.

Another option is to make the app lighter by deleting the cache. And quiet! When you do this, no media file is deleted, only the copy on the phone is removed.

To do this, go to Telegram Settings + Use Storage + “Clear Telegram Cache”.

Read: What data does Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp, and Facebook save?

Limit your storage usage

The downside of an app that hosts everything in the cloud is that when you open a chat and see old dates, the photos, videos, and documents that you have already deleted are downloaded again. To solve it, Telegram lets you adjust the “no limits” option for options: a month, a week or three days.

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Finally, we recommend deactivating the automatic download settings in the “Data and Storage” section. Download only what is necessary manually.

Also: Telegram vs WhatsApp which is better?

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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