“Human Books” seeks to make room for women with disabilities | Ecuador | News

“Human Books” seeks to make room for women with disabilities |  Ecuador |  News

The book reveals the limitations of women with disabilities’ access to their rights in the workplace, education, and sexual health.

There are many minority groups around the world. In Ecuador, there are a total of 455,829 people with some type of disability registered in 2019, according to the database of the National Council on Disability (CONADES). Women make up 46.57% of this group.

In the context of discrimination and forgetfulness, human books A project tasked with highlighting women with some kind of disability. This is a professional applied project prepared by Zoila Sendros, Ingrid Aguilar, Lisbeth Macias, Daniela Alvarez, Sergio Icaza and Ahilén Santamaria, Casa Grande University students.

Based on In the concept of human libraries, where issues of social concern are discussed in order to achieve a more open and tolerant society with such issues,” reveals Zoila Sendros. The book prepared by the student group contains six testimonies about the lives of women with some form of disability.

“We want our book to be a tool for Awareness of the general population of restrictions in terms of access for women with disabilities refers to their rights in the areas of work, education, and sexual and reproductive health,” Sendrus points out.

The book tells life stories

  • Belen Merino, a mother with a physical disability.
  • Daniela Alvarez, a young student with visual and intellectual disabilities.
  • Olinka Mora, the eldest of the group, who has a physical disability.
  • Gabriela Rosales, a young woman with a hearing impairment.
  • Johanna Ruiz, blind.
  • Tamara Chacon, who suffers from bipolar disorder.
Six women at the book launch party.

Each story focuses on different aspects of their lives and how these women progressed and achieved their goals despite their limitations.

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The the book It is freely available on the project’s social media and website. (I)

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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