Jorge Pineda from Marathon on the players who defected: “Each one determines the position in which they want to be” – ten

Jorge Pineda from Marathon on the players who defected: “Each one determines the position in which they want to be” – ten

Jorge Pineda, coach of Hector Vargas, appeared at a press conference after the 1-1 draw against Real Sociedad in Round 12 of the Clausura Championship 2021 and spoke about the recent disagreements that surrounded the club and were very clear in his answers.

The teacher spoke of the two players that were undocumented in the United States and said that their reasons were as well. He defends the foundation and talks about the large number of “memes” that some fans of other clubs have taken on social networks.

Watch. This was a marathon encounter against Real Sociedad

About Real Sociedad vs Marathon: “It was a game that the two teams were looking forward to winning, and it was clear that we knew that Real Sociedad, because they were local, had this possibility; we also want to win because we do not have tomorrow, the table is tight, Real Madrid. Spain take some points, but we were confident of.” Winning today can be easy for us. “

Signs of victory: “If we were more accurate, we would have won the game. I liked the position of the team players on the heavy court, the team improved after some games we did not play well, but we have to keep improving. We could have won.”

The Marathon did not see a good conclusion to the tournament and after the relapse in the CONCACAF Champions League things are now more complicated.

Ordinary team or just a bad time from Marathon?: “Since we were with Hector Vargas, four very important years have passed and all the teams are going through a transition period that does not allow them to do things well during the tournament. The contention and whatever can happen, we have to play it against Real de Minas and Olimpia; an athlete we can rank. Any negative comment from the team is simply accepted, but we know internally how to deal with ourselves Real Spain so far is the protagonist, but it didn’t go well, even this tournament weakened us, but we still hope to qualify.

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CONCACAF Champions League Elimination: “There are times when we feel bad about it, but from here it becomes clean, the page that is already written is already written. One way or another we weren’t able to get the result, but you also have to understand the difference between one team and another.

Bad moment for marathon: “We have to acknowledge the efforts made by Team Leader Orinson Amaya, he was a huge success and invested money from his legacy along with the other executives who support him. We cannot compare the payroll with Olimpia, Motagua or Vida, they are outperforming us, but nothing is left. Other than the aim of the classification, we will make the effort, today the boys are out in pain, it was possible to win it.

The state of the players in the United States (Luis Ortiz and Carlos Perdomo): “They made a lot of negative comments against the team, and many fans from other clubs write memes, and say they owe us four months, but it’s totally wrong. A player like Perdomo or Lewis can’t say that, anyone did. He said: Raise your hand.” And we can go to the confrontation. Through what they do, each one determines the situation he wants to be in, but the team pays, and the others may have influenced them to stay, but this is not the team’s responsibility, it remains only to respect that.

He wishes the boys all the best: “While they are on campus, I must say that they are two great guys, and what remains is to wish them luck. My love and appreciation for them because they are such a great people, and their support remains.”

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Oliver Walton

"Pro alcohol addict. Bacon scholar. Award-winning beer fan. Gamer. Social media expert. Zombie guru."

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