Katiowska cinemas are no longer an empty space for their new cultural life

Katiowska cinemas are no longer an empty space for their new cultural life

Lola Gonzales

07:01 • 04 February. 2021

Property of the ancients Katiowska Cinemas It will not be considered free space for cThe category of providing public services of public and social benefit.

Although surprisingly more than one person might find this space has this category, the truth is that within the General Urban Development Plan (PGOU) of 98th year, this area was defined as a free space to make it so, something that did not happen.

Upon entering this property in the European CAMINA project, the urban planning area implemented the corresponding procedures whereby these lands change their name and are considered public facilities in which European funds will be invested for their rehabilitation. They argue in the technical proposal that this change of qualifications is viable as it involves new equipment for the public and social interest of the area as well as preserving an architectural component of the city’s historical heritage.

The change, which will be approved next Friday in the plenary session, which also includes an amendment Consider the soil present at the entrance to the city. That area that a few years ago was full of warehouses and turned into a watchdog area in Pescadera, still maintains the status of industrial land that will now be lost in favor of the land for public use. It must be remembered that measures to improve the landscape have been implemented in this area.

It should be borne in mind that 23 years have passed since the approval of the established master plan and that the status of many city soils is changing.

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Regarding the old cinema of Katiowska, it must be remembered that he is currently involved in the project CAMINA, which intends to connect the neighborhoods of Pescadería-La Chanca and La Almedina-Casco Histórico, and the center through a cultural pathway in which 5,455,864 euros are invested, of which 4,364,691 euros are European funds.

The project itself is contemplating the realization of a cultural axis starting from the Kasbah and the surrounding areas to create a circular road passing through Mesón Gitano whose use will be associated with flamenco; Some of the rehabilitated Kateowska cinemas, whose activity will be related to audiovisual themes; The port, the Museum of Futurist Realism to be launched in the District Hospital, and the Indaliano Museum located in the Doña Pakyta Museum which will be a center for the development of the plastic arts

Izer Hector

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