Learn about the consequences of isolation on the health of the elderly | Geriatrics | mental health | Nuclear magnetic resonance | home and more

Learn about the consequences of isolation on the health of the elderly |  Geriatrics |  mental health |  Nuclear magnetic resonance |  home and more

The Isolation Because COVID-19 It had negative consequences for the population Elderly This could lead to them suffering from dementia, warns Dr. Cesar Villacris Villa, geriatrician and chief of geriatrics at Alberto Sapugal Sologoren National Hospital in EsSalud.

Essentially, it is loneliness, as a result of isolation, that can generate depression and increased cognitive decline in the elderly, in some cases leading to dementia.‘ emphasized the specialist.

Consequences of a sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle has caused a series of functional limitations, even causing muscle hypertrophy or decreased muscle mass and strength. In addition, this condition can generate fragility in Bigwhich makes them susceptible to infections or tumors accompanied by other health problems such as impaired vision and hearing.

For geriatrics and isolation Elderly It is not synonymous with protection but on the contrary caused a lot of damage in Psychological health. Therefore, it recommends:

  • Encourage social interaction.
  • Do physical activity in public places.
  • Vaccinate them against COVID-19.
  • Take them to their controls to discover health issues that can lead to greater complications.

The interaction must be complete. This physical contact, that hug, that kiss that we can give our parents, means a lot and can reduce some stress or anxiety.‘ confirmed Villacris Villa.

Mental illness

Because there is a cognitive problem or dementia, the family must adapt to changes in the behavior of the elderly and be patient a lot when communicating with them.

if it was Big With a certain degree of prostration or difficulty in movement, special attention and interaction should be given to them, since this interaction will make life more bearable for these patients, facilitating the restoration of the functional abilities lost as a result of isolation.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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