Live: Despite the blockade, thousands again demonstrate against the violations of Bukele

Live: Despite the blockade, thousands again demonstrate against the violations of Bukele

Since early morning, social media users have used #ElDomingoMarchamos to report checkpoints and vehicle control on major roads connecting to San Salvador. The Palestinian National Council also arrested two citizens.

At about 8:00 AM, the concentration of civilians began in front of Cuscatlán Park in San Salvador. Various social and collective organizations intend to march towards the civic square in the center of the capital, with the aim of condemning the anti-democratic actions of President Neb Bockel.

Representatives of 34 agglomerated organizations in the Popular Resistance Bloc called on the population to join the march on Sunday, October 17, to express their deep rejection of the decisions of the authoritarian President of the Republic.

# live | Several civic organizations gathered to demonstrate from Cuscatlán Park to demonstrate against various government policies. More info:

Posted by El Salvador Sunday, October 17, 2021

Also participating in the rally is the trade union, MPR12, textile unions, ex-combatants and others, who have come to Cuscatlán Park to go to the historic center of San Salvador. Sonia Urrutia, a representative of the bloc, said during a press conference held a few days ago, that the aim of this march is to express “the rejection and condemnation of the undemocratic Bukele regime, as it is against the personality that is drowning the country.”

The Independent Judges Syndicate also joined the rally this Sunday, protesting the blow to the independence of the judiciary in the face of the Bukele government’s actions.

Judge Antonio Duran participated in the march and reiterated his rejection of the ruling, promoted by the ruling party, to retire judges over 60 years of age. “We also oppose the transfer and dismantling of some key courts, such as Criminal Chamber I, Criminal Chamber II, and Chamber of the Environment, as well as other arbitrary transfers,” Doran said. “This situation put us in the eyes of the world as a dictatorship,” he said.

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Photo EDH / Ricardo Avelar

The police set up checkpoints

Since the early hours of Sunday morning, Twitter users using #ElDomingoMarchamos and #El17Marchamos have called on residents to join the activities, and have also deplored the fact that elements of the National Civil Police (PNC) have set up roadblocks on the main roads they connect with. San Salvador.

Photo EDH / Ricardo Avelar

The official account of the Palestinian National Police, on Twitter, reported the detention of citizens heading to the march. They confirmed that they had verified that “fugitives from justice” were not crammed into the buses.

Former judge Guzmán refused to meet the Bukele judges, telling them: “We must return to constitutional obedience.”

The powerful police and military services were deployed on the Pan-American Highway, in the municipality of Aguilares, on avenue Monsignor Romero, at the height of the residential terrace, on the Oro Highway at the height of San Martin and San Marcos and in Santa Quay in the direction that leads to the capital.

The Palestinian National Council set up several checkpoints at the entrances to San Salvador before the October 17 march. Twitter Pics @PNCSV

Also in social networks, users reported the presence of checkpoints on the North Trunk, Comalapa, San Martín and Soyapango highways, as well as the Santa Ana highway.

The security forces stopped several mass transportation units and searched the passengers and their belongings and inside the units.

Through her Twitter account, attorney Roxana Cardona denounced the stopping of a public transit bus by at least 50 police personnel, including elements of the Tactical Operational Unit (UTO), who checked their property and unjustifiably detained passengers in Santa Ana. , at the height of Polanco in front of the tent.

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Organizations call for a march on October 17 against the Bukele government

Social media users have deplored the unjustified detention by members of the United Tajik Opposition in Santa Ana. Image: Illustrative, non-commercial image /

Social researcher Janet Aguilar said on Twitter: “Protesting is a constitutional right. Neither the PNC nor FUERZARMADASV can limit this right.”

Aygen Marsh

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