Marie Kondo organization techniques that can be applied to the workspace

Marie Kondo organization techniques that can be applied to the workspace

Japanese businesswoman and writer Marie Kondo is best known for her bestselling book The Magic of Decluttering and subsequent Netflix shows in which she illustrated Konmarie’s way of organizing homes based on Eastern philosophy, feng shui, and training.

Kondo has also published books “Happiness After Order” and “The Magic of Everyday Life” and finally in the year of the start of the epidemic 2020 he published a text titled “Happiness at work” that can help apply his method in work environments such as offices, home workspace or even computer and email offices .

Here we bring a selection of author techniques that can be applied in these spaces to keep them more organized and thus reduce stress and improve productivity, as the order in the spaces we live in influences behavior, according to the writer, and in this case, professional life.

The first step in this method is to start getting rid of the things that are no longer necessary day in and day out, that way the items you will be working with remain and there is more space in the space. The next thing is to arrange things by categories and ignore or allocate those that are repeated for another function, then each object will be assigned a specific place so you always know where it is, ideally in drawers and not on the desk.

Another proposed way to classify things as documents, both physical and digital, is to separate them into: those that need to be done now, those that are pending, and those that are done on a daily basis.

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Kondo also ensures that everything should be controlled just by looking at it, so that you can tell how many things there are just by looking, thus avoiding rearranging; One way to achieve this arrangement of space is to store things vertically.

Finally, in the process of deciding to get rid of or keep something, Kondo considers, in addition to ease of use, keeping if the thing is going to bring happiness, which should also be applied when incorporating new items in the office. This technique focuses on simplicity, where there are no objects, shapes and colors That prevents you from concentrating and relaxing.

In addition to technical recommendations, Kondo also provides advice for office organization that focuses on changing mindset. Suggests thank spaces and staff. Imagine in detail the field of work that is expected to be achieved and ask yourself what feelings the elements of the office arouse.

Part of the introduction to the book Happiness at Work:

Is the table always buried under mountains of documents? “Phw! Where do I put the report I have to turn in tomorrow?
Do you have an endless list of pending emails no matter how many times you log into your account? “About the mail I sent you yesterday…”.
Do you have a schedule full of dates with people you don’t even want to see? Do you keep working this way every day because you forgot what you really wanted to do? Is it difficult for you to make decisions? You ask yourself, “Does life come down to this? Crossing things off the to-do list? Is there no way to bring order to my work, my career, and my life?”

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If you deal with any of these reversals, there is a solution: arrangement. This book is not just about arranging your workspace. It’s about how you arrange the hard and soft aspects of your business, including your digital data, your time, your decisions, your network of contacts, and how you create joy in your career. In fact, the right arrangement is what makes the enjoyment of work enjoyable.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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