On November 26, Espacio Vías will host the theatrical production Pan de mar

On November 26, Espacio Vías will host the theatrical production Pan de mar

Pan de mar arrives in Espacio Vias in theatrical form.

The appointment will be at 9:00 pm and is part of the cultural program ‘Cul’21’ of the Youth Council of Lyon


On Friday, November 26, Espacio Vías becomes the venue for the first national show of the theatrical production “Pan de mar”. The appointment will be at 9:00 pm and is part of the ‘Cul’21’ cultural program of the Youth Council of Lyon. Entrance will be free until full capacity is reached.

The project, selected in Cul’21’s invitation by the council, was born out of an “intimate journey to understand self-love and the love of others” that led to a collection of poems with powerful symbolism to attempt to “discover, build, and rebuild kind loves. A book that fulfills its primary purpose on the tables.” : “Share what has been learned, and pave the way for others,” according to the author.

“Vision” by artists from Lyon

The theater takes the audience into an unexpected storm in the middle of the sea, as the protagonists of the game float on a boat in search of new land to reach. With the only hope of a fishing net and some oars, they will suffer an epic shipwreck and a constant dialogue with fear. Getting to a desert island without many scratches would put the trip into a crunch. Will they be able to survive?

The work originated from the interpretation of the “Pan de Mar” poems by Sarah Abad Reguera, and uses his poetic resources to create aesthetics and sophistication on stage. Putting love at the center, the audience embarks on a continuous analysis of romantic relationships, sexuality, friendships, families, and memories.

In addition, all the people involved in the play are from Lyon, as it is important for the team to “give a vision to the artists of our city.”

Writer Sarah Abad Regera

Sarah Abad Regera, author of the original collection of poems on which this play is based, a collection of poems co-edited by Iolas Edison and Leon City Council set Libros a Dropper was born that same November, in León and studied sociology and political science in Madrid where he deepened his passion with hair. At the age of 24 and returning to Lyon, he embarked on this exciting project that will not leave anyone indifferent.

“Pan de mar” is an original script written by Sara Abad Reguera, directed by Alvaro Lopez Serrano and performed by Easter Abad Reguera and Sara Abad Reguera.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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