One of the major science fiction films takes place in 2022

One of the major science fiction films takes place in 2022

When Destiny Chases Us is a 1973 movie, but some of its hypotheses about the future have come true today.

¡Happy 2022! A day late, but better late than never. To celebrate the coming of this new year, take a look back and review the history of a movie released in 1973 But what was It was set in 2022.

We are talking about Soylent Green, known in Spain as When fate reaches us. The movie is directed by Richard Fleischer Championship Charlton Heston moved us to New York From 2022.

Although some of the things that happen in the movie have been reflected in our time, fortunately, there are other things that we hope will remain fictional in the remainder of the movie. 2022.

When fate chases after us Soylent Green Charlton Heston

The bitter reality it poses When fate reaches us Creating a state of famine in the world can only be fought by feeding the population with a substance known as green soybean.

the green soybean What appears in the movie does not exist in real life, but there is a brand called Soylent Created by Rob Reinhart In 2013 it’s meant to be a meal replacement. The inspiration for this product comes from the novel Make room! Make room! From Harry Harrison on which the movie is based.

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The famine we see Soylent Green caused by Overpopulation, a problem that has not reached those extremes today. And police abuse in our world is arbitrary, but at least not to the point of tearing protesters into garbage trucks.

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However, the film has reached other points, such as when he talks about Plankton of oceans dying, something that happened in 2022 because ocean acidification. In the same way, it is also right to raise the problems caused by climate change and to suggest an evasion of reality that new technologies allow us to do.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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