Open space – human guinea pigs

Open space – human guinea pigs

History, when respected by the writer, records the truth. To imagine that it can only serve to perpetuate what seems “beautiful” is immoral and, much less, contributes to the development of humanity. Thus, we have facts – not copies of them – that allow us to make important shifts and changes. And for the better.

Several years ago, I had the privilege of speaking with a figure in history who, for his merits, was, to this day, the only person to have won the Nobel Prize twice, in various fields and without sharing it with anyone, Chemistry (1954) and Paz (1962). Linus Carl Pauling of North America is among the most relevant scientists of all time. With hundreds of articles and many books published, he was one of the fathers of quantum chemistry and molecular biology.

Linus, who died in 1994, left an impressive scientific career, as well as being a respected activist against nuclear testing. In 1986, during an international peace event, I met Linus Pauling. I took the liberty of asking a personal question. I asked the one who bears the sign of the Nazi concentration camp on his arm, why he does not bury forever the atrocities committed against the Jewish people. “We must always remember, lest it ever happen again,” said Linus, with his rosy cheeks and lively eyes, and tenderness in his voice.

Dirceu Portugal / Fotoarena / Folhapress

In 1932, in Macon County, Alabama (USA), the federal government recruited 600 very simple men, with little education and few possessions, to perform medical examinations. More than half of them had syphilis. The Ministry of Public Health promised treatment to everyone who then received a placebo for the next several years. None of the men were properly treated with penicillin, which is the treatment for the disease.

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The state of the United States wanted to investigate the disease. The men, in addition to simple people, were all black. They were victims of a criminal method of obtaining human subjects, not to mention racism. In addition to the doctor Josef Mengele, under the leadership of another monster, Adolf Hitler, he used the Jewish people to conduct inhuman scientific experiments.

During the Covid CPI Index in the Federal Senate, it was demonstrated that Prevent Senior handled the federal government’s “covid toolkit” for countless patients in the institution, most of whom were elderly. The National Agency for Complementary Health explained that these people were not told about the treatment they received, let alone their families. Worst of all, according to science, this combination is ineffective; In some cases it is risky.

One of the patients has already won in court, in the first instance, a lawsuit accusing the Prevent Senior network hospital of irresponsibility in their care. He had already reached a level of severity that required admission to the intensive care unit, yet he was treated with chloroquine and left alone in semi-intensive treatment.

As in the time of Nazism and the Incident in the United States, here too, in the twenty-first century, there are “human guinea pigs”, and under the cloak of denial, lies and cruelty. How long will we continue to witness such atrocities, under the false vanity of claiming that we are civilized and sophisticated?

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Ricardo Vivieros is a journalist, writer and educator

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