Registration is open for applicants to the Master’s Degree in Data Science and Optimization at UA de C

Registration is open for applicants to the Master’s Degree in Data Science and Optimization at UA de C

In order to train high-quality human resources, capable of analyzing, organizing and modeling data generated by operations carried out in the fields of science and engineering, the Research Center in Applied Mathematics (CIMA) of the Autonomous University of Coahuila will open on Monday. For applicants interested in pursuing a master’s degree in Data Science and Optimization in the semester from August to December 2021.

This postgraduate program with a research and interdisciplinary approach is aimed at graduates at the undergraduate level, in the fields of applied mathematics, actuarial, physics, chemistry, engineering, economics or management, who have mathematical training in matters of probability, statistics, matrix algebra and in computing in subjects Programming and Algorithms.

At the end of their studies, the master’s graduate will be able to effectively advise the design and implementation of projects that integrate the application of statistics, financial mathematics, algorithms, data mining, machine learning and optimization, for decision-making and risk analysis in the productive and service sectors.

During the August-December 2021 semester, the master’s degree will be taught in a blended format, with classes set up Monday through Friday from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm and some Saturdays in person at CIMA; The first phase of the admission process starts from 5-30 July, with registration and submission of documents completely online through the page:

Those interested must fill in and upload the admission application in digital and legible format, Letter of Intent to Entry, CV, Title and Professional Certificate or Exam Certificate, Transcript or Certificate of Study with a minimum average of 80 and 100, Proof of English Language Proficiency, Birth Certificate, CURP and a photo of the Accreditation.

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While, from August 2nd to 12th, the preparatory and preparatory course for the EXANI-III entrance examination will be held, which will be applied on those dates; Similarly, on August 7, psychological testing will be conducted, on August 6 and 13, interviews of applicants will be conducted by the Postgraduate Coordination and on the 15th, applicants will be notified of the results; Registration will take place on August 16 and 17 and classes begin on the 18th.

For more information on the admission process and costs, contact Dr. Yajaira Cardona Valdés at e-mail: [email protected], or Dr. Yajaira Cardona Valdés. Vanessa Avalos Gaytán at: [email protected] .mx; or via the WhatsApp hotline at (844) 353 12 90; Visit the Facebook page: or the web portal

Since 1993, the Center for Research in Applied Mathematics (CIMA) of the UA de C has been conducting research and providing advisory services on the application of mathematics in the productive, educational, public and private sectors, as well as offering curricular courses to all university colleges, schools, and academic institutions in the region. (The Herald)

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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