SEE will be opened to the public, and it is an educational space in Michoacan that testifies to history

SEE will be opened to the public, and it is an educational space in Michoacan that testifies to history

Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacan, February 6, 2020. – In La Mira Tenure, located in the municipality of Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán, there is space that, in addition to providing care and education for girls and boys who desperately need it, is an important part of the legacy that Michoacanos bequeathed by General Lazaro Cárdenas from the river.

It comes to the home and office of this important historical figure before donating it to an educational destination and transferring it to the rural school hostel “Lazaro Cardenas”, where the Secretary of State for Education offers educational attention to girls and women. Boys are from marginalized communities.

In this place that the Minister of Education Hector Ayala Morales visited during the year 2020 to find out about the needs of the students, it was discovered that, over time, the place had suffered from a great deterioration that made the rescue necessary, and not only. For the educational institution, but from its history.

Last year, as children were housed in their homes due to the pandemic, two-story beds, mattresses, waterproofing, paint, kitchenware, refrigerator, furniture, computers, and educational materials were delivered to the shelter.

In connection with the fiftieth anniversary of General Lazaro Cardenas del Río, the remodeling of the lodge and the restoration of his office began as a cultural reference and historical heritage of the inhabitants of La Mira.

Since General Cardenas was Governor of Michoacán, in his duties as President of the Republic, and after his administration, in the work that led him to promote the economic development of the region and fortify the port that bears his name today, the general preserved the building that the inn occupies today as a home and point of operations. There he set up a modest office in which he attended, with a gracious and kind gesture, listening to ejidatarios, fishermen and peasants who wanted dialogue with Tata Lázaro.

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The passage of time caused this space to fall into neglect and oblivion, as it was at one point used to be warehouses and toilets. Today, the general’s office may well be known in circumstances very similar to those in which it was received by the public. A bust and a plaque in his honor were added to it as a tribute.

“When students return to the classroom, after raising flags due to the pandemic, they will find all their places rehabilitated to receive better educational services and know what the general’s office was, as it was, and open to the public to experience a small part of our history,” Hector Ayala said, referring to the work. In the shelter.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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