Starbucks notifies cafes in Mexico to stop using the word “Frapuccino” on their menus | News from Mexico

Starbucks notifies cafes in Mexico to stop using the word “Frapuccino” on their menus |  News from Mexico

Mexico. – A few days ago, local cafes in Veracruz and Cancun denounced on social networks they received A letter from the Intellectual Property Lawyers Office, Where they have been notified of the need to do so stop using the wordFrappuccinoas it is a registered trademark of Starbucks Corporation.

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The message explains it Starbucks registered the Frappuccino brand in the United States in 1994.Therefore it is not a generic name that can be used without a license granted by the company. However, since 2002 in Mexico, the brand name has been used in connection with many products involving the marketing and advertising of these drinks.

point out:

In such circumstances and thanks to the support of trademark registrations granted by the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property, we can confirm that the use and exploitation of the FRAPPUCCINO mark in Mexico is exclusive to our clients.

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It is also indicated that other sects have proliferated, but their use is also not authorized, since they are read in a very similar way. As male examples: Frappuccinofrappuccino, frappuccino s Frappuccino.

The company said Millennium that they have a legal obligation to protect their intellectual property, but Starbucks is willing to work with any store that uses the frappuccino brand to help them Choosing names that do not violate the law and that help form their own identity.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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