Studying climate change from space

Studying climate change from space

Climate change is perhaps the biggest environmental challenge facing the world’s population today. To address this important problem, decision makers need not only accurate information about how our world is changing now, but also predictions about what might happen in the future.

A firm understanding of how the Earth behaves as a single system is the basis for all of this, and the pieces of this complex puzzle largely come from the satellites orbiting our planet.

To ensure that data from Earth observation satellites is used in the best possible way, advances science, and ultimately delivers the greatest benefit to humanity, the European Space Agency and the US Space Agency (NASA) have formed a Strategic Partnership for Earth Science and Climate Change.

Tony Tulker Nielsen, Acting Director of Earth Observation Programs at the European Space Agency, said: “We are already seeing the effects of climate change through rising temperatures, rising sea levels, melting ice and melting permafrost, for example. ESA and NASA have excellent tools and expertise to advance Earth sciences, so working together is We can achieve more.”.

The partnership was formalized Tuesday when European Space Agency Director General Joseph Asbacher and NASA Administrator Bill Nelson signed a declaration of intent. This is intended to pave the way for leading a global response to climate change, by observing the Earth and its surroundings through their joint efforts in Earth science observations, research and applications.

climate change

“Climate change is a global challenge that requires action now.”said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. NASA and the European Space Agency are leading the way in space, building an unprecedented strategic partnership in Earth sciences. This agreement will set the standard for future international cooperation, provide critical information in addressing the challenges posed by climate change and help answer and address the most pressing questions in Earth sciences for the benefit of the United States, Europe, and the Gulf states. Globalism “.

This is not the first time that the European Space Agency and NASA have joined forces. For example, teams from the European Space Agency and NASA worked together on field campaigns in the Arctic to validate the CryoSat and ICESat missions. They are also working together and with other partners on the recently launched Copernicus Sentinel-6 mission, a new mission to expand the long-term record of sea level rise.

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In May, NASA announced its Earth System Observatory, which will design a new set of Earth-centric missions to provide key information to guide efforts on climate change, disaster mitigation, fighting wildfires, and scaling up agricultural operations in real time. The joint statement of intent complements the ongoing activities of the Earth System Observatory.

New Gravity Mission

In addition, ESA and NASA are currently working on defining a new gravity mission to shed new light on fundamental processes in the Earth system, such as the water cycle. For example how “You will weigh” Water in its various locations underground and in the oceans, to understand the distribution and transmission of the water body.

Through the new Strategic Partnership, ESA and NASA will explore and develop new ways of working together, synergizing their activities, coordinating and collaborating on key strategic policy, scientific and programmatic concerns, and identifying processes to work together in more efficient and faster ways.

Joseph Asbacher, note: “Without a doubt, space is the best point for measuring and monitoring climate change, but joining forces is also key to addressing this global problem. That is why today’s agreement between our organizations is so crucial. Timing is also important, especially if we look at the COP26 climate conference in Later this year, we have the opportunity to make space an integral part of the solution when it comes to mitigating climate change.”.

Fountain: Ramon Roca/The Energy Newspaper,

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Izer Hector

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