Tangatos speaking tonight with Carlos Gardel at Espacio R

Tangatos speaking tonight with Carlos Gardel at Espacio R

The Autonomous Organization of Culture of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (OAC) scheduled today Friday (8:00 pm) a performance TangatusWho will perform his musical and theatrical performance Conversations with Gardel in it Space R at La Recova Center for the Arts.

The Culture Counsellor of the City Council of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Gladys de Leon, highlighted the originality of this proposal, “which brilliantly combines the strings of the magnificent Gardel dance with the most authentic theatre”. “In addition to music, it provides sarcasm, moments of irrepressible laughter, and healthy thinking,” he adds. Tickets, at nine euros, can be purchased at the Guimerá Theater box office or through their website, www.teatroguimera.es.

Conversations with Gardel This is done in an atypical psychiatric consultation, where three characters talk with Carlos Gardel. Questions, affirmations, and personal styles intertwine with the lyrics and music of the tango, full of emotion and protest; Intimacy and reflection. Intuition and dexterity. Joy and gratitude.

Tangatos was born in 2009 in La Laguna, as proposed by Andres Leone and Juan Carlos Baeza, who would be joined by Javier Lopez a year later. The group was born out of the womb of a need to go back to the origin, practice tango in the backyard and go back to the genre’s humble roots and beginnings, albeit from a contemporary perspective.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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