‘Tense moment’

‘Tense moment’

Neuquen’s health system is saturated with demand created by the second wave of Covid-19 infections. There are no beds available in any hospital or clinic and there are patients held in guards and imperfect places. Until yesterday, two patients had to wait for a bed in an ambulance. The tragic state of the health system was recognized last night by the Neuquen government In the epidemiological part that is emitted daily.

“With regard to the critical health situation we are experiencing in the governorate, the health system – public and private – is in place Tense moment Confronting situations that in some cases put their powers and capabilities under control, “begins the text of the provincial government.

“We face these situations with the utmost focus and hard work by all the health teams as a whole. The situation is very complex and it is expected to continue in the same directionTherefore, we urge the community to respect the isolation measures ordered by the national government in order to limit the continuing viral spread in the region. “

It confirms that “The occupancy percentage for family graphs has reached 100% again Concerning the maximum occupancy of the intensive care bed capacity in the governorate, in both the public and private sectors.

“Despite this percentage, the Neuquen health system continues day after day with its utmost effort, which translates into hard daily work to help people who need care, with all available strategies,” the text closes.

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Yesterday they were 47 patients enter the guards From both the public and private sectors, and 6 of them are on ventilationWhich means, they must undergo an intense treatment.

Also, last night hThere were 153 patients in intensive care, 35 in average treatment, 375 patients in General Hospital and 46 patients in Duam space.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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