The cycle path is licensed as an outdoor meeting space in Bogotá

The cycle path is licensed as an outdoor meeting space in Bogotá

The mayor announced that he would be available to entertain and meet. The cycle path is licensed as an outdoor meeting space in Bogotá. He said Bogotá was still on public red alert.

Due to the increase in infections at the third peak of the epidemic, Bogotá Mayor Claudia Lopez issued a call not to meet in closed places or to crowd.

It should be noted that this increase in injuries occurred in recent days, and it is expected that the days of demonstration of the national strike will prolong the height of the peak that the country and the city are going through.

The President has been concerned about the increase in positive testing for Covid-19 at this third peak. “This climax will be very long and dangerous,” he said. In addition, he called on companies and families not to hold meetings in closed spaces or crowds in commercial venues.

The cycle path is licensed as an outdoor meeting space in Bogotá

Through his Twitter account, Lopez reiterated his call to continue complying with biosafety measures and not to crowd together to avoid infection.

In this sense, the mayor announced that the bicycle paths would become a space for outdoor participation and meeting. In addition, he stressed the difficult days that the country and the capital are going through.

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“It was very tough days for everyone, it was full of extreme tension. We are licensing the bike lane as a recreational space, to promote sports and mental health, so that it is a place to meet with the family, so that we can take a walk in the fresh air.” Lopez wrote on his Twitter account.

In this sense, the citizens of Bogotá will be able to go out and spend some time in the open air on the city bike path which will be enabled for this purpose.

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Izer Hector

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