The Executive Supports the Proposal to Establish the Ministry of Science and Technology | News

The Executive Supports the Proposal to Establish the Ministry of Science and Technology |  News

Today in Congress the Executive Branch supported the proposal to create the Department of Science and Technology, contained in Bill 1202/2021-PE.

The Prime Minister, Aníbal Torres, appeared before the Parliament’s Science and Technology Committee with the Minister of the Environment, Modesto Montoya, to give more details about this initiative.

In this regard, Torres stated that the project was discussed and approved in the Ministerial Coordination Committee and the Council of Ministers.

As indicated, the project brings together the contributions of specialists from the College of Biologists of Peru, the National University of Engineering, the Foreign Trade Association, and the Directorate of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“We now come to support him before parliamentary representation, in order to have the support and commitment to advance the approval of this bill before the plenary session of Congress,” Torres told the Congressional Science and Technology Committee.

For his part, Minister of Environment Modesto Montoya considered the creation of this bag important, noting that the lack of technology means that we currently live in an unequal society, which must end.

He pointed out in this regard that countries that have experienced scientific and technological development have achieved great development in terms of well-being, justice and peace for their people. He referred to the case of South Korea, which in the 1960s was poorer than Peru. And from Nordic countries such as Finland.

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The nuclear physicist has also pointed out that the lack of science and technology makes our country embroiled in unemployment, a situation that breeds crime, among other evils of our society.

“So we support a ministry that improves the state’s resources used to produce knowledge, allowing us to break out of poverty and thus have a country that lives in the 21st century, which is the century of the knowledge economy,” Montoya said. in front of the working group.

On February 6, the government sent to the Congress of the Republic a bill establishing the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

As reported, President Pedro Castillo announced in his first message to the nation on national holidays, that his administration would encourage the creation of said portfolio.

(end) MRCA / JCC

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Izer Hector

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