The flag on the road arrives in Galicia and stops at O ​​Barco | Alberzo news

The flag on the road arrives in Galicia and stops at O ​​Barco |  Alberzo news

The talk will be delivered on Thursday by YouTuber Berciano, Professor 10 Fellows

Science Awareness Course is on the way On Thursday, it arrives in Galicia with its fourth stop, and will do so in
Valdeuras boat. This session will take place
Thursday 23 from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm, will be responsible for Sergio Castro, better known as
Teacher10demates. “What a greatness!” “The World and His Way” is the title of the talk with the famous YouTuber with a sense of humor
Spreading scientific concepts. Organized by La Fabrica de Luz. Energy Museum, this series of five talks is part of the program of cultural events organized by
Galicia Center in Ponferrada mark
Jacob’s year 2021.

Professor of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry for more than 17 years, is
Youtube Channel Creator Professor10demates; One of the educational channels recommended by the Ministry of Education, which currently has approximately 450 thousand followers, some of whom are
140 million views. Awarded with YouTube Silver Button and recognized as Best Spanish Speaking Education Channel in 2013, Professor10demates has also been featured in the Bitácoras Awards,
Best Spanish Speaking YouTube Channel 2016 Bitácoras Awards and Best Blog in Castilla y León in 2017. The author of the blog of the same name, a regular contributor to the media and a member of the Spanish Association for Scientific Communication (AECC). He has also published, among other things, A History of Mathematics from Zero to Infinity with the books Galobart, Absences, Cancer and Me at Next Door Publisher and The Olympiad of Enigmas with Harper Kids.

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Approx. 45 minutesThe session will be held in person and will take place in the multipurpose hall of O Barco de Valdeorras Town Hall. The session is aimed at the general public and is free and open until reaching its full capacity.

Science on the Camino is the first course of scientific publication on the Camino de Santiago. The conversations that take place in
Various locations along the French Road and Winter Road In the provinces of Leon, Ourense and A Coruña, they try to make the Camino visible as a route of culture. In addition to bringing the scientific content closer to the general public and facilitating the knowledge that enables decisive and objective decisions, during the sessions it revolves around
Publication of scientific works made by Spanish researchers Current scientific topics are addressed in an accessible manner, and the popularization of science is evaluated as a way of knowing current science.

Weekend activities

Saturday 25 from 12:00 AM to 1:00 PM there will be a new session for
Museum Workshops: 2021 International Year of Fruits and Vegetables. Within the framework of the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables, attendees will continue to learn about the distinctive characteristics that we can find in the plant world.

On Sunday 26 from 12:00 to 13:00 the park and the surrounding areas of La Fábrica de Luz will once again take center stage. Energy Museum with
He walks outdoors. big and paper. At the dawn of autumn, this tour will take attendees to learn about the museum’s trees and some of its centuries-old secrets.

Perez Mouse campaign

On the other hand, this Tuesday
Children’s dental campaign In La Fabrica de Luz. Energy Museum in Ponferrada. This campaign will run until Sunday 26th during museum opening hours (Tuesday to Sunday 10:30am-5:30pm). The dynamic consists of taking out teeth or teeth from the donor who in turn will get
Diploma accredited as a member of the research team of Raton Perez assistants. Other gifts will also be presented, including an invitation to the Raton Perez House Museum in Madrid. In addition, each donor must fill out a sheet of personal information that will help in scientific studies. Once the campaign ends, the teeth will be sent to
National Center for Research in Human Evolution (CENIEH) so that it becomes part of the collection, as well as all documents associated with it.

The Raton Perez group revolves around a
Citizen Science Project Created, organized and coordinated by the Unit for Scientific Culture and Innovation (UCC + i) and the Dental Anthropology Group (GAD) of CENIEH which aims to continue to increase the collection of deciduous teeth at CENIEH to implement
Ancient Anthropology and Forensic Research. The Museum collaborates for the first time with this project, which, in this eighth edition, is also collaborating with the “La Caixa” Foundation and the Caja de Burgos Foundation, as well as the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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