The Minister of Health warns of new restrictions if people do not cooperate to stop infection

The Minister of Health warns of new restrictions if people do not cooperate to stop infection

secretary Ministry of Health (DS), Carlos Melado Lopezasked on Thursday, Cooperation of citizens in the face of the high hospitalizations and cases resulting from Covid-19 disease.

Infection continues to increase and we cannot allow the health system to collapse. “We need everyone to do their part to control this virus, otherwise there will be no alternative but to implement new restrictions,” Milado Lopez said in a written communication.

The call for cooperation arises in time DS statistics indicate 556 hospital admissions for adults and children. Among them, 79 adults are connected to a respirator and 109 adults are in intensive care.

While it is true that adults are still more likely to develop complications from the virus, children are also at risk. This week, from Monday to today, 44 deaths have been reported, of whom 32 have not been vaccinated. The picture is complex for those who have not been vaccinated and are in adulthood. Melado Lopez said: “It’s unfortunate, but it is the reality and it must be said.

We recommend the following:

this week, 30 people over 60 died, 10 people died between 40 and 50 years old, and four people under 30 died. Of the 44 deceased, only 12 were vaccinated, and one or the entire series was vaccinated, but with pre-existing conditions that preclude an optimal response to the virus.

The Minister of Health stressed that “the epidemic is not over and the delta variable is causing a recovery worse than the one we saw at the beginning of the epidemic. We all have to act wisely and we must cooperate to stop the infection. Our call is to avoid social activities with crowds or indoors, especially for people who have Weaker system we call immunocompromised.”

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On the other hand, it has demonstrated that, as in the United States and in many parts of the world, in Puerto Rico, cases of COVID-19 are experiencing exponential growth, which reflects that the virus is transmitted through the community. “The virus is anywhere. So we must implement and strengthen the protection measures that we all know. We will continue the multiple initiatives that we are implementing to promote and increase vaccination on the island. Today we are ranked fifth in the entire American nation with the most vaccinations and continue to work to protect our population,” said a doctor .

In Puerto Rico, 2,786 people have died, while in the American nation the number rises to about 62,339 people.

Aygen Marsh

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