The Ministers of Health of Peru and Colombia held a meeting to discuss the capacity of the two stadiums

The Ministers of Health of Peru and Colombia held a meeting to discuss the capacity of the two stadiums
Peru fans were at the National Stadium after more than a year of absence.  |  Photo: FPF
Peru fans were at the National Stadium after more than a year of absence. | Photo: FPF

Doubts remain about the capacity in the stadium in Peru against Ecuador and so far it is not known whether the Peruvian team will have the support of the fans. Today’s match 16 is approaching the South American qualifiers, and this was discussed by the Minister of Health of Peru, Hernando Cevallos, and the Minister of Health of Colombia, Fernando Ruiz.

I had a fruitful meeting with Minister Cefalos (Peru). We talk about capacity and infection levels and we also share information about the epidemic,” he commented in an interview with RPP Noticias, where he also talked about the technologies that have been applied in the country of “coffee growing” to counteract the COVID-19 pandemic.

“In our country, all decisions related to the Coronavirus were technical decisions. Based on that and the indicators, we determine what to do. There are also infections in restaurants and nightclubs. For us, it is necessary to maintain a balance and that is why we are also thinking about the Colombian national team.” “We don’t want to stigmatize that,” commented the official, who was very immersed in the sports sector.

On the other hand, he commented that vaccination helps reduce the number of infections. “Any scenario where there are crowds is likely to go. But there are studies that show that this also decreases in people who have been fully vaccinated. Plus this type of event helps with emotional health.” We think having fans in stadiums helps with Reduce mental stress, but this is done by balancing health conditions and potential risks. It depends a lot on the context in each community.”

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MinSaludCol’s top reference also talked about his strategy to increase capacity. “We met with the Colombian Football Federation to do all the coordination. Those matches where we have to be more vigilant are the national team matches. We had four months where infections and deaths did not increase. Cities that coincided with that were allowed to increase the capacity for different activities “

As already known, the green light has been given so that the Metropolitan Stadium in Barranquilla can supply full capacity and the Peruvian team will face more pressure on a complicated date. It is important to stress that all attendees must present their vaccination card.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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