The Tennessee floods killed at least 22 people and left dozens missing

The Tennessee floods killed at least 22 people and left dozens missing

Strong flooding has affected many parts of the state of Tennessee At least 22 people died and 50 were missing According to the Humphreys County Sheriff’s Office.

Notable among the dead was the case of two young twins being snatched from their father’s arms, County Sheriff Chris Davis told NBC co-WSMV. Davis said the brothers’ bodies were recovered.

Flooding on August 22, 2021 in Humphreys County, Tennessee.NBC News

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The sheriff warned No one should travel unnecessarily, Also the curfew came into effect from 8:00 pm on Saturday night. Authorities have issued a surprise flood alert for Humphries, about 70 miles west of Nashville.

Destruction is visible throughout the district of Humphries. The running water lifted some houses from the basement and turned them into rubble. Dozens of vehicles overturned or sank. Many bridges and roads were demolished.

Located on Trace Creek, the valley is a stage coach route 60 miles from Nashville to Memphis. Water is unavoidable in Waverley in Humphries County, which borders the Doug River to the south and the Tennessee River to the west.

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After Trace Creek overflowed Saturday, Humphreys County Sheriff Chris Davis told The Tennessee that it was the worst flood he had seen in his 28 years.

Heavy snowfall on Sunday makes it difficult to travel in the region. Not much rain is expected today.

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This area has never experienced such a tragedy A propane tank car explosion since 1978 has killed 16 people.

On Saturday, the power outage in Humphreys County made it difficult to get cell phones and the chaos escalated as rescue crews tried to locate the missing. Smaller units were relocated to help re-establish communications.

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Up to 15 inches of rain has been reported in the Trace Creek Valley. A new record for the region. In 2015, the creek left its channel and destroyed some roads, but the current damage is enormous.

The Tennessee National Guard was activated to assist in the rescue.

On August 22, 2021, flood damage caused by heavy rains in McQueen, Tennessee, left dozens missing. Mark Humphrey / AB

“The Tennessee National Guard and Air Force support state, district and local emergency services Help Humphries citizens affected by flash floods August 21, ”the National Guard tweeted.

The Humphreys County Sheriff’s Office confirmed the damage to vehicles and buildings, according to reports on social media.

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Extreme levels of flood danger were announced in central Tennessee today. The flood situation in these districts is dangerous It is growing, ”the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency said in a statement.

“Our volunteers and qualified staff will begin exploring the area Sunday morning and assess the needs of each community in the aftermath of these storms,” said Joel Sullivan, regional executive director of the Tennessee Red Cross.

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He added: We work with our local partners and government officials Make sure the required services are provided In order for the residents to recover quickly. “

A reunification center for flood survivors was established at McQueen High School. The Tennessee Emergency Management Authority will operate the center until 5:00 p.m., Sunday.

On the other hand, a tropical storm – which hit the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Cuba and parts of northwestern Florida – killed at least 5 people and left one missing in the state of North Carolina, officials said Sunday.

With information from NBC News And Tennessee

Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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