The title of champion of labor at the heart of the Cuban flag • The workers
The entire Cuban people, in addition to obligatory applause, praised today the achievement of the national flag of producing five candidate vaccines, three of which were patented as vaccines, to immunize the population of the island, and in solidarity with the inhabitants of other countries, against the SARS-COV-2 coronavirus.

This became a reality Tuesday night when the First Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party and President of the Republic, Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermúdez, imposed on the fund of 10 eminent scientists the title Hero of Action of the Republic of Cuba, in a ceremony held in the Laguito Protocol Rooms, in Havana.
Through Presidential Decree No. 307, which was recently published in the Official Gazette, the President also conferred the High Medal, which is the highest honor bestowed by our country in the workplace.
Scholars, well-known and admired for the dedication that only grateful people can give, are Gerardo Enrique Guillen Nieto, Oleogio Pimentel Vásquez, Marta Ayala Avila, Vicente Ferez-Bincomo, Yuri Valdes Balbin, Dagmar García Rivera, Belinda Pogreciano Ayew, Eduardo Ogito Magorje, and Lorenzo Pérez Avila, who today joined in the high honor of accomplishing the task of inventing the aforementioned vaccines against the treacherous virus, the immense satisfaction of the ornament obtained.
The title was received on the proposal of the Secretary General of the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba and was awarded to Cuban citizens and foreigners in recognition of extraordinary merits achieved in creative work or in the struggle for conquests and the defense of achievements and interests. of the working class, as well as through consistent practice and valuable contributions to proletarian internationalism.
In addition, 47 other scientists, who also achieved very high achievements in the fight against the novel coronavirus, were awarded the Order of Lazaro Peña, 1st class.
At the ceremony, Ulysses Gillarte de Nascimento, General Secretary of the Cuban Workers’ Center and a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party Central Committee, gave a speech representing the unlimited efforts of the honored scholars.
(news under development)