They condemn illegal logging in a protected natural area in Tarragona

They condemn illegal logging in a protected natural area in Tarragona

The Center de la Propetate Forestal, an organization associated with the province of Dequeu Clámatica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural, has concluded that the logging that occurred last April in Alforja (Baix Camp) was illegal, reports it through a statement from Grup d’Estudi i Proteció dels Ecosistemes Catalans – Ecologistes de Catalunya (Gepec-EdC). The environmental entity deplored the action of a company – whose name has not appeared – which failed to comply with the implementation requirements set out in the Technical Plan for Forest Management and Improvement.

The affected area covers five hectares and is a protected area included in Xarxa Natura 2000, in the Prades Mountains. As Gepec-EdC pointed out in the statement, 352 feet of mother trees had to be left per hectare and the company responsible for the felling ended up cutting them down “randomly.”

In addition, with regard to the elimination of logging residues, the technical plan states that they must be chopped or chopped and spread on the ground, but this guideline is also not met. From Gepec-EdC, they confirmed that this neglect had led to a significant loss of biodiversity and that it mainly affected the birds in the area, which were in the breeding season.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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