This discovery could “rewrite the history of mankind.”

This discovery could “rewrite the history of mankind.”

Nice! This discovery Sciences He has everything!

Excavations have found artifacts in southwestern China that provide evidence of a highly developed civilization. Sciences It was not known before. As reported by The Sun, it can have unforeseen consequences in human history.

Science: More than 500 objects found

Excavations have been carried out at the Sanxingdui site in Guangyuan (Sichuan) in southwest China since 2019. Meanwhile, researchers have found more than 500 different objects over 3000 years old made of gold, bronze, jade and ivory.

One of the central discoveries is a golden mask that priests may wear during religious ceremonies.

The artifacts outperform all other pieces of similar ages found so far in China in terms of quality and craftsmanship. Researchers believe that they belong to a highly developed, previously unknown civilization. Now you can “rewrite human history”.

Science: Where Did Chinese Civilization Come From?

Until now, Chinese historiography has assumed that its civilization comes from the heart of the Shang Dynasty. But the surprising discoveries now raise questions.

Zhong Yuan has always been considered the center of the world and China’s most advanced civilization. But new fossils suggest the story may be more complex than previously thought.

Xi Jin Sung, deputy director of the Institute of Archeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said:SunWe are more “integrated” with different cultures or ancient civilizations.

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Discoveries made earlier in other parts of China, along with recent discoveries, show that the unknown civilization was not isolated, but in exchange with other regions.


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Izer Hector

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